XmlTicket Object (COM-based API)
This object represents the processing parameters of one job. It can be created by using the CreateXmlTicket method of the Client object based on one workflow from the list in the IClient::Workflows property. Alternatively, it can be created by using the CreateObject (Visual Basic) or CoCreateInstance (C++/C) methods.
Name | Type | Description |
Attributes | DocumentAttributes, read-only | Document attributes. |
ExportParams | ExportParams, read-only | Returns a reference to the ExportParams object, where you can set export parameters. |
IndexingUserNameRestrictions | IStringsCollection, read-only | If not empty, specifies the user names of users who are allowed to index documents in this job. |
InputFiles | InputFiles, read-only | Returns a reference to the image collection. |
IsTemporary | Boolean | If set to TRUE, specifies that the results of the job must be deleted automatically when the job expires. It is set to FALSE by default for backwards compatibility reasons. By default, if a job is deleted automatically 24 hours after its processing results have last been accessed, its output files will be stored in the output folder without being deleted (see Deleting processed jobs). If the results do not need to be stored on the server after the API processing, it is recommended that this parameter is always set to TRUE. |
Name | String | Stores the name of XML Ticket, which will be used when saving the results. The default value is an empty string. |
OcrTimeout | Long | Specifies a recognition time limit for a job in milliseconds. If the job processing time exceeds the limit, the job will be discarded. The value of this property must be nonnegative. If you set the value of this property to 0, no time limit is used. The default value of this property is 0. |
PreprocessingParams | PreprocessingParams, read-only | Returns a reference to the PreprocessingParams object, where you can set image processing parameters. |
Priority | PriorityEnum | Sets the priority of the job. The default value is P_Normal. |
RecognitionParams | RecognitionParams, read-only |
Returns a reference to the RecognitionParams object, where you can set recognition parameters. |
UserProperty | String | Stores any user-defined string. The string is passed to the UserProperty property of the XmlResult object. The default value is empty string. |
VerificationUserNameRestrictions | IStringsCollection, read-only | If not empty, specifies the user names of users who are allowed to verify documents in this job. |
Name | Description |
AddImage | Adds the image to XmlTicket. |
LoadFromFile | Restores the contents of the object from a file on disk. |
SaveToFile | Saves the contents of the object into a file on disk. |
CreateAttribute | Creates a new DocumentAttribute object of specified type. |
See also
See sample: Samples.
26.03.2024 13:49:49