DOCXExportSettings Object (COM-based API)

This object provides functionality for configuring the export of recognized text to DOCX format. The IDOCXExportSettings interface is a child object of the IOutputFormatSettings interface and inherits all its properties. It is an element of the OutputFormatSettingsCollection collection.

Name Type Description
ForceFixedPageSize Boolean Specifies whether export result must fit the dimensions set by the PaperWidth and PaperHeight properties. The default value is FALSE.
HighlightErrorsWithBackgroundColor Boolean Specifies if uncertainly recognized symbols are highlighted with background color when exported in DOCX format. The default value is FALSE.
PaperHeight Long Stores paper height in twips (1/1440 of inch). The default value is the height of A4 format page. See the table "Paper size in different units of measurement".
PaperWidth Long Stores paper width in twips (1/1440 of inch). The default value is the width of A4 format page. See the table "Paper size in different units of measurement".
RTFSynthesisMode RTFSynthesisModeEnum Specifies the mode of DOCX file synthesis from the recognized text when exporting to DOCX formats. The default value is RSM_RTFColumns.
WritePictures Boolean

Specifies whether pictures are to be written in files in DOCX format. The default value is TRUE.

Note. The format in which pictures are saved in the output file is selected automatically basing on the two picture properties: Color Type (black and white, grayscale or color) and Color Variety (low or high). Black and white pictures are always saved in PNG format. Grayscale and color pictures are saved in PNG format in the case of low color variety, and in JPEG format in the case of high color variety.

KeepPages Boolean Specifies if the original page separation must be preserved.

See also



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