HeaderAndFooterSettings Object (COM-based API)

This object provides functionality for configuring header and footer parameters when exporting recognized text to PDF (PDF/A) format. These parameters are set in the HeaderAndFooter property of the PDFExportSettings (PDFAExportSettings) object. The HeaderAndFooterSettings object allows you to do the following:

  • Place headers and footers on each document page;
  • Specify the text to be stamped, the location of the header or footer on the page, and other formatting options;
  • Include into the header or footer any static text, as well as page numbers, Bates numbers (auto-incrementing number), current date and time, output file name, etc. To include a variable into the footer or header text, insert a suitable tag from the list below:
    • <BatesNum>
      Auto-incrementing numbers
    • <Dd>
      Current date
    • <EmailSubject>
      Subject of the incoming e-mail message
    • <FileName>
      Name of the output file
    • <Folder>
      Name of parent subfolder in image folder
    • <Mm>
      Current month
    • <PageNum>
      Page number
    • <Yy>
      Current year (2 digits)
    • <Yyyy>
      Current year (4 digits)
Name Type Description
BottomMargin String Sets the bottom margin. The value of this property must be in the range of 0 to 120 inches (0 to 3048 millimeters). The default value is 0,5 inches.
CentralFooter String Specifies the central footer text. The default value is an empty string.
CentralHeader String Specifies the central header text. The default value is an empty string.
FontName String Sets the font name. The default value is “Times New Roman”.
FontSize String Sets the font size in points. The default value is 12.
IsBold String Specifies if the bold font style has to be used. The default value is FALSE.
IsInInches String Specifies whether measurement units for the margins are inches. If the value of this property is FALSE, the measurement units for the margins are millimeters. The default value is TRUE.
IsItalic Long Specifies if the italic font style has to be used. The default value is FALSE.
IsUnderlined Boolean Specifies if the underlined font style has to be used. The default value is FALSE.
LeftFooter Boolean Specifies the left footer text. The default value is an empty string.
LeftHeader Boolean Specifies the left header text. The default value is an empty string.
LeftMargin Long Sets the left margin. The value of this property must be in the range of 0 to 120 inches (0 to 3048 millimeters). The default value is 1 inch.
NumberOfDigits Double Sets the number of digits in the Bates numbers. If the number of digits in a Bates number is less than specified by this property, the corresponding number of zeros will be added in front of the Bates number. The maximal allowed number of digits is 9. The default value is 5.
RightFooter Double Specifies the right footer text. The default value is an empty string.
RightHeader Double Specifies the right header text. The default value is an empty string.
RightMargin Double Sets the right margin. The value of this property must be in the range of 0 to 120 inches (0 to 3048 millimeters). The default value is 1 inch.
StartingNumber Boolean Sets the starting Bates number. The number of digits in the starting number must not exceed the number specified in the NumberOfDigits property. The default value is 1.
TextColor Long

Sets the text color in RGB format. The default value is red or RGB(255, 0, 0).

Note. The Long value is calculated from the RGB triplet using the formula: (red value) + (256 × green value) + (65536 × blue value), where red value is the first triplet component, green value is the second triplet component, blue value is the third triplet component. Hence the Long value of the color red equals 255.

TopMargin Long Sets the top margin. The value of this property must be in the range of 0 to 120 inches (0 to 3048 millimeters). The default value is 0,5 inches.

See also



26.03.2024 13:49:49

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