PageStampBatesCounterSettings Object (Web Services API)

This object contains settings for the Bates counter.

Name Type Description
NumberOfDigits Integer Sets the number of digits in the Bates numbers. If the number of digits in a Bates number is less than specified by this property, the corresponding number of zeros will be added in front of the Bates number. The maximal allowed number of digits is 9.
StartingNumber Integer Sets the starting Bates number. The number of digits in the starting number must not exceed the number specified in the NumberOfDigits property.
UseContinuousNumberingThroughSubfolders Boolean

If this property is set to TRUE, documents will be numbered in the order in which they are processed, regardless of their containing folder.

If this property is set to FALSE, documents will be numbered independently for each folder.

3/26/2024 1:49:49 PM

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