PDFSignatureSettings Object (COM-based API)

This object contains the signature parameters of the PDF file.

Name Type Description
CertificateThumbprint BSTR The thumbprint of the signature certificate.
Reason BSTR The reason for signing the document.
Name BSTR The signer's name.
Location BSTR The location where the document was signed.
ContactInfo BSTR The signer's contact information.
TimeStampServer BSTR The time stamp server address.
FailIfCantSign VARIANT_BOOL Specifies whether the document should fail if something is wrong with its signature.
ImageFile BSTR The name of the image file in the internal server directory.
ImageAlpha Byte The opacity for an image added to the digital signature. 0 means fully transparent, 255 means totally opaque.
TextStyle IPageStampTextStyleSettings, read-only The style of the digital signature text.
FrameColor Long Frame color.
FrameAlpha Byte Frame opacity.
BackgroundColor Long Background color.
BackgroundAlpha Byte Background opacity.
SignStampUnits PageStampMarginUnitsEnum Signature size in units.
SignStampWidth Double Signature stamp width.
SignStampHeight Double Signature stamp height.
HorizontalAlignment PageStampHorizontalAlignmentEnum Horizontal alignment.
VerticalAlignment PageStampVerticalAlignmentEnum Vertical alignment.
Margins IPageStampMarginSettings, read-only Signature margins.
SignaturePage DigitalSignaturePageEnum The page where the digital signature stamp will be placed.
TextVisible VARIANT_BOOL TRUE if text must be displayed on the signature stamp.

3/26/2024 1:49:49 PM

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