EPUBExportSettings Object (COM-based API)

This object provides functionality for configuring the export of recognized text to EPUB format. The IEPUBExportSettings interface is a child object of the IOutputFormatSettings interface and inherits all its properties. It is an element of the OutputFormatSettingsCollection collection.

When you save texts that use a non-Latin codepage (say, Cyrillic, Greek, Czech, etc.), ABBYY FineReader Server Open API uses the fonts provided by ParaType company (http://www.paratype.com/store/).

Peculiarities of exporting hieroglyphic languages to EPUB

You can export hieroglyphic languages to EPUB. For correct depicting of hieroglyphic characters, files for East Asian languages must be installed on all computers where the Processing Station component is installed.

When exporting to EPUB, the following fonts are used:

  • for the ChineseTraditional recognition language – the PMingLiU font and the MingLiU monospace font;
  • for the ChineseSimplified recognition language – the SimSun font;
  • for the Japanese recognition language – the MS PMincho font and the MS Mincho monospace font;
  • for the Korean recognition language – the Batang font and the BatangChe monospace font.
Name Type Description
EpubVersion EpubVersionEnum Specifies a EPUB version.
FontFormattingMode FontFormattingModeEnum Specifies a layout retention method for files saved in EPUB format. The default value of this property is FAM_Restricted.
KeepPictures Boolean Specifies whether to retain pictures in the EPUB file. The default value is TRUE.
PictureFormat ExportPictureFormatEnum Specifies the color mode and compression method for images inside the EPUB file. The default value is EPF_Automatic.
PictureResolution Long Stores the value of picture resolution in dpi, which is used for exporting pictures into EPUB format. This property may be set to -1, which means that the original resolution must be preserved. The default value is 96 dpi.
Quality Long Stores the value (in percent) of the JPEG quality for color pictures saved in EPUB format. This value is ignored for black-and-white pictures. The default value is 50%.
ThreatFirstPageAsCover Boolean Specifies whether the first page should be treated as a cover. The default value is TRUE.

See also



26.03.2024 13:49:49

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