Client Object (COM-based API)

This object allows you to connect to ABBYY FineReader Server and to process recognition jobs in synchronous and asynchronous modes. It can be created by using the CreateObject (Visual Basic) or CoCreateInstance (C++/C) methods.

The Client object is a so-called "connectable object" (see details in the Connectable Objects section). It may be declared WithEvents in Visual Basic. For C++ user this fact means that it supports the IConnectionPointContainer interface. To receive notification events during processing, a C++ user should create an object derived from the IClientEvents interface, then set up the connection between it and events source implemented in the Client object by standard COM means.

Name Type Description
ServerExceptionsFolder String, read-only Returns the path to the Exceptions folder on the Processing Server.
Workflows StringsCollection, read-only Returns a collection of available workflows. Only workflows with the following types of the Input folder are listed: Shared Folder, FTP Folder.
WorkflowsSettings Workflows, read-only Returns a collection of workflow settings for all available workflows. Only workflows with the following types of the Input folder are listed: Shared Folder, FTP Folder.
CustomModules StringsCollection
Name Description
Connect Establishes a connection with the server.
CreateXmlTicket Creates an XmlTicket object based on the specified workflow.
ProcessFile Uses the parameters of the specified workflow to recognize the specified input image.
ProcessFileAsync Uses the parameters of the specified workflow to recognize the input image in asynchronous mode.
ProcessXmlTicket Uses the parameters of Xml Ticket and the specified workflow to recognize the input image.
ProcessXmlTicketAsync Uses the parameters of Xml Ticket and the specified workflow to recognize the input image in asynchronous mode.
IsListening Allows you to learn whether receipt of job completion notifications from a selected workflow is enabled or disabled.
StartListening Allows you to get notifications about the completion of work by a specified workflow.
CreateOutputFormatSettings Creates an OutputFormatSettings object.
CreateDocumentAttribute Creates a DocumentAttribute object.
GetJobState Allows you to get information about current state of the specified job.
GetJobResult Returns the xml-result of successfully completed or failed job that was started before in asynchronous mode via method ProcessFileAsync or ProcessXmlTicketAsync.
UpdateWorkflow Changes settings of the specified workflow
DeleteJob Completely deletes the job.
CreateInputFile Creates a InputFile object.
CreateStringsCollection This method creates a StringsCollection object.
GetJobStates This method allows you to get information about the current state of multiple jobs in asynchronous mode.
DeleteJobs This method deletes multiple jobs and their files from the server.
See also



See samples: Samples.

26.03.2024 13:49:49

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