ProcessFile Method of Client Object (COM-based API)
Important! This method is deprecated. Please chain the following methods instead: ProcessFileAsync + GetJobState + GetJobResult.
This method uses the parameters of the specified workflow to recognize the specified input image.
Visual Basic Syntax
Method ProcessFile(
file As String,
workflowName As String,
pwd As String
) As XmlResult
C++ Syntax
HRESULT ProcessFile(
BSTR file,
BSTR workflowName,
BSTR pwd,
IXmlResult** result
[in] This parameter contains the image file name.
[in] This parameter contains the workflow name. The workflow name must be an element of the list returned by the IClient::Workflows property.
[in] This parameter contains the password for accessing the password-protected PDF file. If a non-PDF file is being recognized, this parameter is ignored. The default value is empty string.
[out] A pointer to an IXmlResult* pointer variable that receives the interface pointer of the XmlResult object.
Return Values
This method has no specific return values. It returns standard return values of ABBYY FineReader Server Open API functions.
See also
See sample: Samples.
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