SLA control

A service level agreement (SLA) is a contract between two parties for processing documents that regulates the time constraints for such processing of processed documents.

In ABBYY FlexiCapture 12, SLAs are used to ensure that batches are processed on time. A time limit can be specified for processing batches, and tasks from batches that are approaching their deadlines will be moved up in queues. If there are overdue tasks in a queue, batches with the closest due dates will be processed first, regardless of task priority.

Note: Tasks with the extra-high priority are excluded from this rule and will be processed before overdue batches.

If a queue has multiple tasks with the same due date, the tasks with the higher priority will be processed first.

Time constraints for batch processing can be specified on the Project Setup Station. The specified period will begin when documents are scanned on a Scanning Station if one is used, or when the batch is created on the server.

SLA control

SLA-related information is available

in the main window of the Verification Station in the batch view (click View → Batches) and the task view (click View → Queues). The following columns in these views contain SLA-related information:

  • Processing Start Time
    The date and time when processing of the batch was started.
  • Expires on
    The deadline for the batch. Includes documents that require verification..
  • Status
    Contains warnings for batches that are approaching their deadline (Expires soon) or are overdue (Expired).

Filtering batches with deadlines

To make keeping track of deadlines easier, you can filter batches in the batch view (View → Batches) to display batches that are approaching their deadlines or are overdue. To do this, select one of the following items from the Show drop-down list and specify filtering criteria:

  • Batches overdue within time period...
    Filters batches by their deadlines.
  • Batches with expiration status...
    Filters batches by their deadline status.

After a filter is applied, the current filtering criteria will be displayed to the right of the Show drop-down list. To change filtering criteria, click the button.

How to move tasks up in a queue

There are several ways to ensure that batches meet deadlines specified in SLAs:

  • Set their priority to Extra-high
  • Assign them to another Operator

Postponed tasks

Operators can postpone tasks that contain documents requiring verification. This can delay the processing of a batch beyond its deadline and lead to non-compliance with an SLA.

Postponed tasks are indicated by the icon in the Task Postponed column of the Details view (View → Details) on the Verification Station. The User Task column of the details view contains the name of the user that postponed the batch.

Operators can view a list of postponed tasks by clicking View → Queues. This allows Operators to keep track of batches that have deadlines.

12.04.2024 18:16:02

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