Registration page
The page is used for registering a new user in the system. You can go to the page by clicking the Registration hyperlink on the login page.
To register a new user, do the following (all fields are required):
- Specify user's first and last name in the corresponding field.
- In the Login field, specify the user account name to log into the system (login).
Note: A user name may contain Latin letters, digits, and the following symbols: - _ @ \.
- In the E-mail field, specify an e-mail address for system notifications.
- In the corresponding field, specify the password to log into the system.
Note: A password may contain Latin letters, digits, and the following symbols: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + : ; , . > < =.
- Retype the password in the Repeat password field to avoid possible errors.
When all the fields are filled in, click the Sign up button to save information about the new user in the system. If you need to return to login page without registering a new user click the Cancel button.
After the registration is competed, the system suggests creating a request for rights for relevant projects and stations. A user can send the request to the administrator straight away or later.
See Personal page.
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