
What it does

Represents the station workspace. The object is available in scripts with the keyword "this".

Definition Description
AddBatch (target: IWorkspaceItem, name: string, type: IBatchType ):  IWorkspaceItem

Adds a batch. A new batch will be added after the batch specified in the target parameter.

If you want to add the batch to the beginning of the list, set the value of the target parameter to "Nothing":


me.AddBatch Nothing, "batch 1", me.BatchTypes.Item(0)

If the name parameter is empty, the batch name will be generated according to the batch settings.

AddDocument (page: IWorkspaceItem, name: string): IWorkspaceItem Inserts the page into a new document. If the page is already included in the document, three documents will be created: one document with the previous pages, one document the current page and one document with the following pages. If the name parameter is empty, the document name will be generated according to the batch settings.
AddPages (fileName: string, target: IWorkspaceItem, [optional] inside: bool): IWorkspaceItems Adds pages from file. Pages can be added after the target item at the same level or inside the target item to the beginning of the list. A target can be batch, document or page. If the target is batch, the inside parameter must be "true" (pages will be added to the beginning of the batch). If the target is page, the inside parameter must be "false" (pages will be added after the specified page). If the target is document, the inside parameter cab be both "true" and "false".
ClearSelection () Clears the current selection
DeleteItem (item: IWorkspaceItem ) Deletes a specified item
DetectPageEmpty (page: IWorkspaceItem, [optional] options: IEmptyPageDetectionOptions ): bool Detects an empty page
Exit ( ): bool Finishes the station work
FindPageBarcodes (page: IWorkspaceItem, [optional] options:  IBarcodeFindingOptions ): IScriptFoundBarcodes Searches for barcodes on the page
NewBarcodeFindingOptions ( ): IBarcodeFindingOptions Sets barcode finding options
NewEmptyPageDetectionOptions ( ): IEmptyPageDetectionOptions Sets options for detecting empty pages
NewImageSavingOptions ( ): IImageSavingOptions Sets image saving options
NewPageRect ( ): IPageRect Defines a page rectangle
RunScript (scriptName: string, [optional] info: string, [optional] skipShowError: bool): IScriptResult Runs the script execution
Scan ([optional] folder: string) Starts scanning with settings of the current batch type
Send (batch: IWorkspaceItem) Exports the batch with the settings of the current batch type
SendByScript (batch: IWorkspaceItem, skipShowExportOptions: bool) Sends the batch by using script with the settings of the current batch type. The skipShowExportOptions parameter specifies whether to display Export Options dialog box before sending the batch.
SendToFC (batch: IWorkspaceItem, [optional] skipShowExportOptions: bool) Sends the batch to ABBYY FlexiCapture with the settings of the current batch type. The skipShowExportOptions parameter specifies whether to display Export Options dialog box before sending the batch.
SendToFolder (batch: IWorkspaceItem, [optional] skipShowExportOptions: bool) Export the batch to a folder with the settings of the current batch type. The skipShowExportOptions parameter specifies whether to display Export Options dialog box before sending the batch.
SendToFTP (batch: IWorkspaceItem, [optional] skipShowExportOptions: bool) Exports the batch to an FTP folder with the settings of the current batch type. The skipShowExportOptions parameter specifies whether to display Export Options dialog box before sending the batch.
SetPageImage (page: IWorkspaceItem, fileName: string, [optional] filePageIndex: int) Changes the image of the page
Wait (millisecond: int) Suspends the script execution for the specified time (in milliseconds)
Name Type Access Description
ActiveBatch IWorkspaceItem Read/write

The active batch.

For some event scripts (e.g. On batch sending and On batch sent), returns null.

Batches IWorkspaceItems Read-only Batches
BatchTypes IBatchTypes Read-only Batch types
CurrentBatchType IBatchType Read/write The current batch type
Result IScriptResult Read-only The result of the script execution
ScriptEnvInfo string Read-only

Environmental information about conditions on which the script is triggered.

For scripts triggered automatically before or after export, its value is "<exportType> <taskID>", where "exportType" can be "Folder", "FTP", "FC", "RS" or "Script" and "taskID" is the export task identifier.

For scripts triggered automatically before or after page transformation, the property takes on one of the following values: "Rotate <angle>", "FlipHorizontal", "FlipVertical", "Invert", "ConvertToBW", "Deskew", "Despeckle", "Erase <rectLeft> <rectTop> <rectRight> <rectBottom>", "Crop <rectLeft> <rectTop> <rectRight> <rectBottom>", "SplitHorizontal <pos>", "SplitVertical <pos>", "ChangeResolution <newRes>", "Scale <ratio>", "FreeScale <newWidth>, <newHeight>, <newRes>".

ScriptItems IWorkspaceItems Read-only

Items for which the script is called. The returned value is different for different events.

For the events  On station started and  On station closing the returned value is empty.

For the event  On scan completed the returned value is a list of pages added during the scanning session.

For other events the returned value is a batch, a document or a page depending on the event.

When the script is launched by an explicit user command, a collection of currently selected items is returned.

ScriptProperties IScriptProperties Read-only Script properties
Selection IWorkspaceItems Read-only The current selection. Contains batches only, documents only or pages only.
SourceID string Read-only The station identifier

3/26/2024 1:49:49 PM

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