Batches Window
The Batches window displays batch structure and allows you to change it (use the buttons on the toolbar).
For more detailed information on working with batches and documents, please refer to Working with Documents, Batches, and Pages.
Pages in the Batches window can be marked by a yellow triangle. This means that either the resolution, or the vertical or horizontal size of the page do not correspond to the ones specified for the batch. To view the warning for the selected page, open the Page Properties dialog box. For information on changing page resolution, see Editing Images.
To change the size of the Batches window, rest the mouse pointer on the right-hand window border and, holding down the left mouse button, move this border to the desired location. To hide the window, double-click the left-hand window border. To restore the original window, double-click the left-hand border of the image window. Alternatively, you can select View → Show Batches.
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