Installing Recorder

Before you begin

Before you begin installing Recorder, pay attention to the following:

  1. If you plan to record user activities who work using Windows RemoteApp and Citrix Workspace App, install Recorder on a terminal server.
    ABBYY Recorder can be installed on the terminal server as if it was a workstation. It will log the actions of users connecting to this server via a Citrix client or RDP.
  2. The user workstations installing the Recorder component, and the server hosting Recording Service must all be members of the same Active Directory domain.
  3. Add the accounts of users on whose computers you intend to install Recorder to the Recorder writers Active Directory security group you configured before the installation.
  4. If the appropriate browser extensions are not installed, user activities will not be recorded in Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.
  5. The Firefox extension for Recorder has several limitations. For detailed information, please refer to the "Known issues" > "Recorder Firefox extension limitation" section.
  6. A system reboot might be needed during the Recorder installation. Please save your work first, otherwise you may lose unsaved changes.

To install ABBYY Recorder, use one of the following methods:

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