Background Upload of Zipped CSV Files to Timeline
The Timeline background-upload feature involves a folder that is monitored for files copied there. Whenever a new zip file is detected in that folder, the application grabs it and interprets it as an uploaded archive. The folder is defined as STORAGE\sftp, where STORAGE variable in the TimelinePI.xml configuration file.
The upload file can be copied to the specified folder by any means. It can be the target of an SFTP upload, or it can be an otherwise shared folder.
Important. Use Deflate compression method when zipping CSV files. Otherwise, ZIP files upload will fail. Please use archiving software that supports this method of compression. For example, you can use 7Zip or PeaZip instead of the standard Windows archiver.
For details on configuring background upload, see the 'Timeline User's Guide' > Automated File Upload Via SFTP.
9/22/2023 8:59:47 AM