MultiPageImageCaptureScenario class

Provides access to the multipage image capture scenario management.

This class helps to easily integrate the image capture technology into your application and manage the scenario when more than one image has to be captured.

An instance of this class is created via the build method of the Builder class.

class MultiPageImageCaptureScenario


 Important! All methods should be called from the Android Main Thread.

Name Description
closeView Stops capture and calls onClose method.
getResult Returns the Result object, providing access to the captured images.
setAutoCaptureEnabled Enables the real-time capture from the camera preview. If the auto-capture mode is disabled, the image should be captured manually.
setCallback Sets the callback object for current multipage image capture scenario.
setShowPreviewEnabled Enables and disables image preview after capture.

Starts the image capture scenario.

 Note: The scenario is started automatically by default. If you want to delay the start, use the stop method to stop the automatically started scenario and then start it with start method.

stop Stops automatic and manual capture and releases the resources.

Nested classes

Name Description
Builder Provides possible variations for tuning the multipage image capture scenario settings.
Result Provides methods to access captured images and manage them.

02.03.2022 12:59:15

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