IImagingCoreAPI interface

Provides access to low-level functions for single image processing. Use the object on the thread on which it was created; you may also create several objects on different threads and use them concurrently. All method calls are synchronous (will not return until the operation is completed), so should not be used on the UI thread. For advanced users.


Name Description
close Release all resources.
createCropOperation Creates an operation for image crop.
createDetectDocumentBoundaryOperation Creates an operation for document boundary detection.
createExportToJpgOperation Creates an operation for exporting image to JPG.
createExportToPdfOperation Creates an operation for exporting image to PDF.
createExportToPngOperation Creates an operation for exporting image to PNG.
createExportToWebPOperation Creates an operation for exporting image to WebP.
createQualityAssessmentForOcrOperation Creates an operation for estimating if an image quality is suitable for OCR.
createRotateOperation Creates an operation for rotating the image.
getExtendedSettings Returns configuration settings for extended service.
loadImage from bitmap Loads an image from a bitmap.
loadImage from a byte buffer Loads an image from a byte buffer.

Nested classes

Name Description
CropOperation An operation for image crop.
DetectDocumentBoundaryOperation An operation for image boundaries detection.
ExportOperation Export operation interface.
ExportToJpgOperation An operation for image export into JPG format.
ExportToPdfOperation An operation for image export into PDF format.
ExportToPngOperation An operation for image export into PNG format.
ExportToWebPOperation An operation for image export into WebP format.
ExtendedSettings Extended CoreAPI configuration settings.
Image Loaded image.
ImageOperation Image operation interface.
QualityAssessmentForOcrOperation An operation for image quality assessment for OCR.
RotateOperation An operation for rotating the image to a specified angle.


Name Description
DetectionMode The type of document boundary detection and crop.

02.03.2022 12:59:15

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