Distribution Kit

ABBYY Mobile Capture SDK distribution pack includes the library, various resource files, samples and documentation. This section will help you determine which of the files to include when distributing your own application, and minimize the size of the final package.

There are three distribution variants:

  • Image capture only, which includes only resources required for image capture functionality.
  • Image & data capture, that provides resources required for image capture, text extraction, including business card and IBAN reading, custom data capture.

If your distribution version does not contain some of the files below, you may apparently have an alternative distribution.

The following folders contain files for development purposes only, not to be distributed:

Folder File name Description
Readme.html Readme file.
help MobileCaptureDevelopersGuide.pdf This Developer's Guide.
help/javadoc All files in this folder. The library API Reference in Javadoc-generated HTML format.
help/javadoc-ui All files in this folder. The UI-components API Reference in Javadoc-generated HTML format.
sample-ui-imagecapture All files in this folder. This sample illustrates the steps you need to perform to create a simple mobile application for image capture.
sample-ui-imagecapture-multipage All files in this folder. The sample code implementing a multipage image capture scenario with tuned user interface.
sample-ui-imagecapture-flexicapture All files in this folder. The sample demonstrating how to send several captured by ABBYY Mobile Capture images to the ABBYY FlexiCapture back-end (Application Server or FlexiCapture Cloud) for further processing. To investigate API, used in this sample, see the Web Services Mobile API in the FlexiCapture Developer's Help.
sample-ui-datacapture All files in this folder. This sample illustrates the steps you need to perform to create a mobile application for data capture from document.
All files in this folder. The sample code implementing a data capture scenario where the capture rule is specified by a regular expression.
sample-textcapture All files in this folder. The sample code implementing a simple text capture scenario.
sample-imagecapture All files in this folder. The sample code implementing an image capture scenario.
sample-imagecapture-camera2 All files in this folder. The sample code implementing an image capture scenario using android.hardware.camera2 special package for Android.
sample-coreapi All files in this folder. The sample code demonstrating the core API usage in a simple scenario of capturing data from an image.

The files in the libs, assets, and notice folders are intended for the final distribution of your application. The table below shows what files you should distribute depending on your needs.

Folder File name Description Distribution
libs abbyy-rtr-sdk-1.0.aar
The ABBYY Mobile Capture SDK library file.

Required for the main capture scenario: text capture, data capture, image capture and core API.

 Note: Do not include abbyy-rtr-sdk-1.0.aar and abbyy-mi-sdk-2.0.aar files simultaneously. This will cause an error, because abbyy-rtr-sdk-1.0.aar file already contains image capture functionality.

The ABBYY Mobile Capture SDK library file for image capture. Required only for the image capture and image capture with android.hardware.camera2 special package for Android scenario.
abbyy-ui-1.0.aar The ABBYY Mobile Capture SDK library file for developing mobile application with user interface. Required for creating mobile application with native interface for image capture scenario.
assets/dictionaries Brazil.edc Portuguese (Brazil) language recognition dictionary. Only those dictionaries that correspond to the languages you will work with.
Bulgar.edc Bulgarian language recognition dictionary.
Czech.edc Czech language recognition dictionary.
Danish.edc Danish language recognition dictionary.
Dutch.edc Dutch (Netherlands) language recognition dictionary.
English.edc English language recognition dictionary.
Eston.edc Estonian language recognition dictionary.
Finnish.edc Finnish language recognition dictionary.
Flemmish.edc Dutch (Belgium) language recognition dictionary.
French.edc French language recognition dictionary.
German.edc German (old spelling) language recognition dictionary.
GermanNS.edc German (new spelling) language recognition dictionary.
Greek.edc Greek language recognition dictionary.
Indones.edc Indonesian language recognition dictionary.
Italian.edc Italian language recognition dictionary.
NorwBok.edc Norwegian (Bokmal) language recognition dictionary.
NorwNyn.edc Norwegian (Nynorsk) language recognition dictionary.
Polish.edc Polish language recognition dictionary.
Portug.edc Portuguese (Portugal) language recognition dictionary.
Russian.edc Russian language recognition dictionary.
Spanish.edc Spanish language recognition dictionary.
Swedish.edc Swedish language recognition dictionary.
Turkish.edc Turkish language recognition dictionary.
Ukrain.edc Ukrainian language recognition dictionary.
assets/patterns DIQBlockClassifier.imodel
The ABBYY Mobile Imaging SDK resource files Required for image capture scenario.
ChineseJapanese.rom Recognition database for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages. Required for recognition of texts in Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages.
European.rom Recognition database for all supported recognition languages. Required for all recognition languages.
FindText.rom Recognition database for all languages. Always required.
KoreanSpecific.rom Recognition database for Korean language. Required for recognition of texts in Korean language.
assets/bcr Brazil.akw Source file for Brazilian business cards recognition. Required for business cards recognition scenario.
ChineseSimplified.akw Source file for Chinese Simplified business cards recognition.
ChineseTraditional.akw Source file for Chinese Traditional business cards recognition.
Czech.akw Source file for Czech business cards recognition.
Danish.akw Source file for Danish business cards recognition.
Dutch.akw Source file for Dutch business cards recognition.
English.akw Source file for English business cards recognition.
Eston.akw Source file for Estonian business cards recognition.
Finnish.akw Source file for Finnish business cards recognition.
French.akw Source file for French business cards recognition.
German.akw Source file for German business cards recognition.
Greek.akw Source file for Greek business cards recognition.
Indones.akw Source file for Indonesian business cards recognition.
Italian.akw Source file for Italian business cards recognition.
Japanese.akw Source file for Japanese business cards recognition.
Korean.akw Source file for Korean business cards recognition.
NorwBok.akw Source file for Norwegian (Bokmal) business cards recognition.
NorwNyn.akw Source file for Norwegian (Nynorsk) business cards recognition.
Polish.akw Source file for Polish business cards recognition.
Portug.akw Source file for Portuguese business cards recognition.
Russian.akw Source file for Russian business cards recognition.
Spanish.akw Source file for Spanish business cards recognition.
Swedish.akw Source file for Swedish business cards recognition.
Turkish.akw Source file for Turkish business cards recognition.
Ukrain.akw Source file for Ukrainian business cards recognition.


 Important! This functionality is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.

Menu_CH-EN.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from Chinese to English. The files contain translation dictionaries. You need only the files for the language pairs you use.
Menu_DE-EN.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from German to English.
Menu_EN-CH.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from Chinese to English.
Menu_EN-DE.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from English to German.
Menu_EN-ES.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from English to Spanish.
Menu_EN-FR.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from English to French.
Menu_EN-ID.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from English to Indonesian.
Menu_EN-JP.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from English to Japanese.
Menu_EN-PL.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from English to Polish.
Menu_EN-PTBR.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from English to Portuguese (Brazil).
Menu_EN-RU.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from English to Russian.
Menu_ES-EN.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from Spanish to English.
Menu_FR-EN.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from French to English.
Menu_ID-EN.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from Indonesian to English.
Menu_JP-EN.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from Japanese to English.
Menu_PL-EN.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from Polish to English.
Menu_PTBR-EN.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from Portuguese (Brazil) to English.
Menu_RU-EN.trdic Dictionary for translating menus from Russian to English.
notice All files in this folder. Third party software components information and licenses. These files have to be redistributed.

3/2/2022 12:59:15 PM

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