PageProcessingParams Object (IPageProcessingParams Interface)

This object is used for tuning different parameters of page preprocessing, layout analysis, recognition, and page synthesis. It comprises child objects of PagePreprocessingParams, PageAnalysisParams, ObjectsExtractionParams, RecognizerParams, and SynthesisParamsForPage types that are available through the corresponding properties. A pointer to this object is passed to different processing methods along with other parameters.

The PageProcessingParams object is a persistent object. This means that the object's current state can be written to persistent storage on disk. Later, the object can be re-created by reading the object's state from persistent storage. The following methods provide persistence of the object: SaveToFile, and LoadFromFile.


Name Type Description
Application Engine, read-only Returns the Engine object.
Preprocessing settings
PerformPreprocessing VARIANT_BOOL

Specifies if page preprocessing is to be performed. Page preprocessing is performed before page analysis and includes correction of orientation, inversion, geometrical distortions. If this property is FALSE, the PagePreprocessingParams property is ignored.

This property is TRUE by default.

PagePreprocessingParams PagePreprocessingParams

Provides access to the subset of page processing parameters that affect the process of page preprocessing. Page preprocessing is performed before page analysis and includes correction of orientation, inversion, geometrical distortions.

These parameters are ignored, if the value of the PerformPreprocessing property is FALSE.

ProhibitColorObjectsAtProcessing VARIANT_BOOL

Specifies if color objects must be filtered out on the image before layout analysis and recognition. If this property is set to FALSE, the ColorObjectsProhibitingParams property is ignored.

The default value of this property is FALSE.

ColorObjectsProhibitingParams ColorObjectsProhibitingParams, read-only

Provides access to the parameters of color objects filtering.

The parameters are only taken into account if the ProhibitColorObjectsAtProcessing is set to TRUE.

Analysis and objects extraction settings
PerformAnalysis VARIANT_BOOL

Specifies if page analysis is to be performed. If this property is FALSE, the PageAnalysisParams property is ignored.

This property is TRUE by default.

Note: If your license does not support the Analysis module, the default value of this property is FALSE.

PageAnalysisParams PageAnalysisParams

Provides access to the subset of page processing parameters that affect the process of page analysis.

These parameters are ignored, if the value of the PerformAnalysis property is FALSE.

ObjectsExtractionParams ObjectsExtractionParams Provides access to the subset of page processing parameters that affect extraction of objects.
Recognition and page synthesis settings
PerformRecognition VARIANT_BOOL

Specifies if recognition is to be performed. If this property is FALSE, the RecognizerParams property is ignored.

This property is TRUE by default.

Note: If your license does not support the Recognition module, the default value of this property is FALSE.

RecognizerParams RecognizerParams Provides access to the subset of page processing parameters that affect the process of page recognition.
SynthesisParamsForPage SynthesisParamsForPage Provides access to the subset of page processing parameters that affect the process of page synthesis.


Name Description
CopyFrom Initializes properties of the current object with values of similar properties of another object.
LoadFromFile Restores the object contents from a file on disk.
SaveToFile Saves the object contents into a file on disk.

Related objects

Object Diagram

Output parameter

This object is the output parameter of the CreatePageProcessingParams method of the Engine object.

Input parameter

This object is passed as an input parameter to the following methods:


The object is used in the following code samples: CustomLanguage, CommandLineInterface.

See also

Tuning Parameters of Preprocessing, Analysis, Recognition, and Synthesis

Working with Properties

7/3/2024 8:50:25 AM

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