PageAnalysisParams Object (IPageAnalysisParams Interface)

This object provides access to parameters used for tuning the layout analysis process. It is passed as an input parameter or as a member of the PageProcessingParams object into FineReader Engine processing methods.

The PageAnalysisParams object is a persistent object. This means that the object's current state can be written to persistent storage on disk. Later, the object can be re-created by reading the object's state from persistent storage. The following methods provide persistence of the object: SaveToFile, and LoadFromFile.


Name Type Description
Application Engine, read-only Returns the Engine object.
Block detection settings

If this property is TRUE, the text areas are detected during layout analysis.

This property is TRUE by default.

EnableTextExtractionMode VARIANT_BOOL

This property set to TRUE tells FineReader Engine that text blocks can be located anywhere on the page. Isolated text blocks are detected during layout analysis. Tables are not detected.

This property is FALSE by default.

EnableExhaustiveAnalysisMode VARIANT_BOOL This property is deprecated and will be deleted in future versions.

If this property is TRUE, the tables are detected during layout analysis.

This property is TRUE by default.

TableAnalysisParams TableAnalysisParams Provides access to the subset of page processing parameters that affect the process of table analysis. If the DetectTables property is FALSE, these parameters are ignored.
AggressiveTableDetection VARIANT_BOOL

This property manages the table detection mode. If you set it to TRUE, FineReader Engine tries to find as many tables as possible on the page. This setting is recommended only for the documents which contain a lot of tables.

This property is FALSE by default.

DetectBarcodes VARIANT_BOOL

Specifies if barcodes are detected and, accordingly, barcode blocks created, during layout analysis. If this property is FALSE, barcodes may be detected as blocks of some other type (e.g., pictures).

This property is FALSE by default.

BarcodeParams BarcodeParams

Provides access to the subset of page processing parameters, affecting the process of barcode blocks recognition.

These parameters are ignored, if the value of the DetectBarcodes property is FALSE.

DetectSeparators VARIANT_BOOL

If this property is TRUE, the separators are detected during layout analysis.

This property is TRUE by default.

DetectPictures VARIANT_BOOL

If this property is TRUE, the pictures are detected during layout analysis.

This property is TRUE by default.

DetectVectorGraphics VARIANT_BOOL

If this property is TRUE, vector pictures are detected during layout analysis. Vector picture blocks can appear in the layout only if this property has been set to TRUE during layout analysis.

This property is TRUE by default.

Additional settings
DetectMultipleBusinessCards VARIANT_BOOL

Specifies whether a processing page can contain several business cards.

By default, the value of this property is FALSE.


This property set to TRUE tells ABBYY FineReader Engine to presume that an image has no shadows from scanning.

This property is FALSE by default.

PaperSizeDetectionMode PaperSizeDetectionModeEnum

This property indicates if the whole preprocessed image can contain information for analysis. In case PaperSizeDetectionMode is set to PSDM_CloseToImageSize, the area for analysis will be defined close to the original image size.

Note: For correct operation of this property, the NoShadowsMode property must be set to FALSE.

The default value of this property is PSDM_Auto.

DetectVerticalEuropeanText VARIANT_BOOL

This property set to TRUE makes FineReader Engine look for vertically oriented text. It applies to all languages other than CJK. For CJK languages, vertical text detection is managed by the ProhibitCJKColumns property.

This property is FALSE by default.


The text in CJK languages can be written vertically as well as horizontally. Setting this property to TRUE tells ABBYY FineReader Engine to ignore the possibility of vertical text and recognize the image with the supposition that all text is arranged horizontally.

This property is valid only for CJK languages.

This property is FALSE by default.

ProhibitDoublePageMode VARIANT_BOOL

This property set to TRUE tells ABBYY FineReader Engine to presume that an image is not a book double page.

This property is FALSE by default.

ProhibitModelAnalysis VARIANT_BOOL

This property is deprecated and will be deleted in future versions. To detect the text blocks, set the EnableTextExtractionMode property to TRUE.

This property is FALSE by default.

CollectPdfExportData VARIANT_BOOL

This property set to TRUE tells FineReader Engine to collect data for PDF export during layout analysis. The collected data is used during export to image-only PDF (PEM_ImageOnly mode) with MRC compression.

Note: With this property set to TRUE, recognition is not supported. The recognized text is not needed to export the document to image-only PDF.

This property is FALSE by default.


Name Description
CopyFrom Initializes properties of the current object with values of similar properties of another object.
LoadFromFile Restores the object contents from a file on disk.
SaveToFile Saves the object contents into a file on disk.

Related objects  

Object Diagram

Output parameter

This object is the output parameter of the CreatePageAnalysisParams method of the Engine object.

Input parameter

This object is passed as an input parameter to the following methods:


The object is used in the following code samples: CommandLineInterface.

See also

Tuning Parameters of Preprocessing, Analysis, Recognition, and Synthesis


Working with Properties

7/3/2024 8:50:25 AM

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