Document-Related Objects

ABBYY FineReader Engine provides the FRDocument, FRPages and FRPage objects for working with the document and its pages.

The FRDocument object is at the top of the document-related objects hierarchy. It exposes a set of analysis, recognition, synthesis and export methods. The FRPage object provides a set of methods for working with a certain page. The FRPages object contains the collection of document pages. The FRDocument and FRPage objects also can contain a collection of business cards.

Other objects in this section provide access to the additional information which is stored in the document, such as information about the author, keywords, subject, title of the document, or PDF file attachments.

This section contains the descriptions of the following objects and callback interfaces:

The document-related objects hierarchy

For more information about the hierarchy of the ABBYY FineReader Engine objects, please see the Object Diagram.

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