Differences between ABBYY FineReader Engine for Windows and Linux
Here you can find the list of differences between ABBYY FineReader Engine 12 for Windows and for Linux.
- While the ABBYY FineReader Engine for Windows API conforms to the COM standard and can be used in any development tool supporting COM, the Linux version provides only C/C++ native API and a Java wrapper, so your application needs to be written in C/C++ or Java.
- You need to work with string properties using FREngineAllocString and FREngineFreeString functions instead of SysAllocString or SysFreeString.
- When loading ABBYY FineReader Engine as an out-of-process server, you must pass NULL for parameters derived from IUnknown. These parameters are commonly used in export methods. To pass the export parameters in an alternative way, create a user profile with the desired settings.
- Distribution packages for Windows and Linux platforms are different. See details in ABBYY FineReader Engine Distribution Kit.
- Default fonts used for synthesis are different. They are selected from Linux system font set.
- IMultiProcessingParams::UseOnlyPhysicalCPUCores property value is ignored.
- The IEngine::OpenImageFileFromMemory, IFRDocument::AddImageFileFromMemory methods receive two parameters instead of one HGLOBAL handle — a pointer to the memory block and an __int64 variable equal to image size.
- The methods working with memory image formats (Raw, Bitmap, DIB) are not implemented: IImage::EstimateBitmapSize, IImage::GetBitmap, IEngine::OpenBitmap, IEngine::OpenBitmapBits, IEngine::OpenDib IEngine::PrepareBitmap, IEngine::PrepareBitmapBits, IEngine::PrepareDib, ITrainingImage::SetBitmapBits.
Unsupported functionality
The following functionality is not supported:
- IEngine::ParentWindow, IEngine::ApplicationTitle
- IEngineLoader, InprocLoader, OutprocLoader, IHostProcessControl
- WDP, WIC, DjVu input image formats (IFF_WdpBw, IFF_WdpGray, IFF_WdpColor, IFF_Wic, IFF_DjVuBw, IFF_DjVuGray, IFF_DjVuColor in the ImageFileFormatEnum enumeration)
- Methods for saving into memory and loading from memory which use HGLOBAL in Windows version:
- SaveToMemory, LoadFromMemory methods of so-called persistent objects
- IImageDocument::SaveToMemory, IEngine::LoadImageDocFromMemory methods
- IPDFAttachments::AddFromMemory, IPDFAttachment::SaveToMemory
- Scanning:
- IEngine::CreateScanManager, ScanManager
- IScanCallback
- ScanSources, ScanSource, ScanSourceSettings, ScanSourceCapabilities
- ScanSourceApiTypeEnum, ScanRotationAngleEnum, ScanPaperSizeEnum, ScanColorModeEnum, ScanCompressionTypeEnum, ScanBrightnessControlEnum, ScanPaperFeedModeEnum, ScanPauseModeEnum, ScanSourceStatusEnum
- Scanning license module
- IDictionary::Edit
- Pattern training GUI:
- IEngine::EditUserPattern
- IRecognizerParams::TrainUserPatterns
- UserPatternsTraining license module
- Visual Components and related FineReader Engine API:
- autoanalysis blocks (IAutoAnalysisBlock, BlockTypeEnum::BT_AutoAnalysis)
- ILayout::VisualBlocks
- AvailableVisualComponentsFlags and ILicense::AvailableVisualComponents
- Special predefined languages are not currently available
See also
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