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License-Related Objects Compatibility with Version 10

This section describes all changes to license-related objects which may require changes in the source code of your applications.

Object/Enumeration Property/Method/Constant What has happened? Comment
License ProjectID Renamed, behavior changed

The property is now called CustomerProjectId.

Customer Project ID differs from serial numbers: it is an alphanumeric string common to all the Developer and Runtime licenses your project uses, and it is passed to the library initialization functions instead of a serial number.

LicenseCollection Renamed The new name of the object is Licenses. New naming convention is that the temporary collections have Collection postfix in their name, while this is a read-only collection.
FindLicense Renamed

This method has been renamed to Find. The License word in the name is superfluous.

This method returns null if there is no license with the specified serial number.








Removed The new set of flags AvailableBarcodeModulesFlags for barcode modules has been added, and its constants are used instead.



Removed The DA for Full-Text Indexing and DA for Invoices modules have been removed. The functionality which they provided is available for all valid licenses.
AEM_ASCII Removed Corresponding license module is no longer in use. The AEM_ProcessAsPlainText constant provides access to the Processing as Plain Text module, which provides similar functionality.
AvailableExportFormatesFlags Renamed The name of this enumeration has been corrected and is now AvailableExportFormatsFlags.

7/3/2024 8:50:25 AM

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