Chinese Simplified (简体中文)


FontNamesFiltersEnum enumeration constants describe predefined filters of font family names. These filters specify the set of fonts to be used during document synthesis.

typedef enum {
 FNF_All        = 0x00000001,
 FNF_Auto       = 0x00000002,
 FNF_Arabic     = 0x00000004,
 FNF_Armenian   = 0x00000008,
 FNF_Chinese    = 0x00000010,
 FNF_European   = 0x00000020,
 FNF_Japanese   = 0x00000040,
 FNF_Hebrew     = 0x00000080,
 FNF_Korean     = 0x00000100,
 FNF_Thai       = 0x00000200,
 FNF_FineReader = 0x00000400,
 FNF_PDF        = 0x00000800,
 FNF_None       = 0
} FontNamesFiltersEnum;


Name Description

All font families from the set can be used during document synthesis. This means that the widest set of fonts will be used; however, the document synthesis may slow down.

Note: This constant in combination with any other constant of this enumeration has no effect on the operation of FineReader Engine.

FNF_Arabic Use font families suitable for Arabic language: FreeMono, FreeSans, FreeSerif.
FNF_Armenian Use font families suitable for Armenian language: FreeMono, FreeSans, FreeSerif.

Select font family filter automatically, based on the recognition languages of the text. In this mode, the font families the names of which are specified in the resources of the input PDF file are also added to the set (as with FNF_PDF setting).

Note: This constant in combination with any other constant of this enumeration has no effect on the operation of FineReader Engine.

FNF_Chinese Use font families suitable for Chinese language: AR PL UMing, AR PL UKai, WenQuanYi Micro Hei, WenQuanYi Zen Hei.
FNF_European Use font families suitable for European languages: Liberation Mono, Liberation Sans, Liberation Serif.

Use font families that are used by default by ABBYY FineReader. This font set is the same as in Windows version of ABBYY FineReader Engine. Selecting this option can only be useful if the required fonts are installed on your workstation.

  • Serif font families suitable for European languages:
    • Book Antiqua
    • Bookman Old Style
    • Century Schoolbook
    • Constantia
    • Courier New
    • Consolas
    • Garamond
    • Georgia
    • Palatino Linotype
    • Sylfaen
    • Times New Roman
  • Sans-serif font families suitable for European languages:
    • Arial
    • Arial Black
    • Arial Narrow
    • Arial Unicode MS
    • Calibri
    • Corbel
    • Candara
    • Century Gothic
    • Franklin Gothic Book
    • Franklin Gothic Demi
    • Franklin Gothic Demi Cond
    • Franklin Gothic Heavy
    • Franklin Gothic Medium
    • Franklin Gothic Medium Cond
    • Geneva
    • Lucida Sans Unicode
    • MS Reference Sans Serif
    • Microsoft Sans Serif
    • Segoe UI
    • Tahoma
    • Trebuchet MS
    • Verdana
    • Impact
    • Comic Sans MS
  • Font families suitable for Chinese language:
    • PMingLiU
    • SimHei
    • SimSun
  • Font families suitable for Japanese language:
    • MS Mincho
    • MS Gothic
  • Font families suitable for Thai language:
    • Angsana New
    • AngsanaUPC
    • Cordia New
    • CordiaUPC
  • Font families suitable for Hebrew languages:
    • Aharoni
    • Fixed Miriam Transparent
  • Font families suitable for Korean language:
    • Batang
    • Dotum
    • Gungsuh
    • Gulim
    • Malgun Gothic
FNF_Hebrew Use font families suitable for Hebrew language: FreeMono, FreeSans, FreeSerif.
FNF_Japanese Use font families suitable for Japanese language: Kochi Mincho, Mona Font.
FNF_Korean Use font families suitable for Korean language: UnBatang, UnDotum.

Do not use predefined filters.

Note: This constant in combination with any other constant of this enumeration has no effect on the operation of FineReader Engine.

FNF_PDF Use font families the names of which are specified in the resources of the input PDF file. However, the fonts themselves are not extracted from the PDF file, they need to be installed on the workstation to be used.
FNF_Thai Use font families suitable for Thai language: FreeMono, FreeSans, FreeSerif.

Used in



03.07.2024 8:50:25

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