How to Configure Twilio SMS Service to Receive SMS Notifications

Twilio SMS Service is configured during the Timeline installation. This feature allows Timeline to send SMS notifications containing verification codes, alert notifications, and error messages.

You can change the specified configuration later using TimelinePI.xml file. To change Twilio SMS service configuration, perform the following actions:

  1. Go to the computer where Timeline is installed.
    Note. To perform all activities below, you must be a system administrator of the computer.
  2. Stop the timelinepi service using Services snap-in or open Command Prompt as administrator and use:
    sc stop timelinepi
    To ensure the correct operation of Timeline, you need to stop timelinepi service prior to changing the Timeline configuration file.
  3. Go to the folder where Timeline is installed and open TimelinePI.xml using any text editor.
    By default, Timeline is installed into C:\Program Files\ABBYY Timeline
  4. In the TimelinePI.xml configuration file, find the following lines and change their values:
    1. <env name="TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID" value=""/>
      This line contains a Twilio String Identifier (SID), a unique key that is used to identify your Twilio account
      e.g.: <env name="TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID" value="AC3f84d59206412725a03114dfb5163e33"/>
    2. <env name="TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN" value=""/>
      This line contains an access token that Timeline needs to connect to your Twilio account.
      e.g.: <env name="TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN" value="ae356b78c7ch1293h123n2afe6a9"/>
    3. <env name="TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER" value=""/>
      This line contains the phone number from which SMS notifications are sent.
      e.g.: <env name="TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER" value="+121313141516"/>
  5. Save the TimelinePI.xml file.
  6. Start the timelinepi service using Services snap-in or run Command Prompt as administrator and use:
    sc start timelinepi

15.07.2024 8:46:08

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