Uninstalling Timeline

Before you begin

Your local databases are stored in the /opt/timeline folder and will be deleted during the Timeline uninstallation process. If you are planning to use these databases in the future, backup them. For detailed information on how to backup your databases, see PostgreSQL documentation - https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/backup.html.


To remove Timeline, execute the following commands as root to remove the docker containers and images, and other files. If you are not using the host machine with the root user, start a new shell with root privileges using the command sudo bash. Then follow the steps below:

  1. Stop the application service if it is running at the moment, and remove it.
    1. Disable Timeline and stop its service.
systemctl disable timeline
systemctl stop timeline
  1. Remove the Timeline service.
rm -f /etc/systemd/system/timeline.service
  1. Stop any running container.
test -n "$(docker ps -q)" && docker kill $(docker ps -q)
  1. Clean up docker (containers, images, networks).
docker system prune -af
  1. Remove Timeline application data.
    Note. Use the path to your actual Timeline installation folder, by default it is /opt/timeline.
rm -rf /opt/timeline
  1. Stop docker service.
systemctl disable docker
systemctl stop docker

Note. The installed 3rd-party tools (docker, docker-compose) will remain on the machine. Remove them manually if you no longer need them.

9/5/2024 4:23:54 PM

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