Custom NodeMailer Configuration
You can set up a custom NodeMailer configuration for the Timeline emails (alerts, invitations etc.) To do it, you need to create a configuration file in JSON format and set it up using the Timeline installer.
- Install Timeline with some default mail server settings:
At the step Do you want to use a custom NodeMailer configuration answer no. Then provide some temporary information when requested by the installer. - After Timeline is installed, go to the installation directory > /templates/nodemailer (the installation directory is /opt/timeline by default). There you will find different JSON templates that you can use to make sure the correctness of the configuration.
- Create your configuration JSON and save it with any descriptive name.
- Stop the Timeline service:
systemctl stop timeline
- Re-launch the installer. At the Mail server step, answer no when asked if you want to keep the existing configuration. Then provide the absolute path for your configuration file.
- Complete the installation.
gmail.json configuration file example
Updating configuration file
If the initial configuration file was created with some errors, you can fix it without relaunching the Timeline installer again.
Important. These instructions are only valid if you have Timeline installed, with a path to the mail server configuration JSON provided.
To fix the configuration file:
- Make the required adjustments to the existing configuration file.
After the installation, a copy of the configuration file is placed in the config subfolder under your installation path (by default opt/timeline/config).
Then save it without changing the file name. - After all the needed adjustments are made, restart the Timeline application:
systemctl restart timeline
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