RecognizeAsync method

Performs recognition of an image and returns a collection of recognized text lines.

 Note: This method is asynchronous.

Task<List<TextBlock>> RecognizeAsync(
        ImageSource image,
        Func<int, RecognitionWarning, bool> onProgress,
        Action<int> onOrientationDetected);


Captured image, represented by an ImageSource object. Data will be extracted from this image.
Callback, signaling the progress of recognition process. This function receives 2 parameters and returns a boolean value:
- [in] progress in percents as integer value;
- [in] warning that occurred during processing, represented by a RecognitionWarning constant;
- [out] true to proceed recognition, false to stop recognition.
The callback informing you when the image orientation is detected. The angle parameter can take values of 0, 90, 180, and 270, and means the angle on which the image should be rotated to get normal orientation.

Return values

When document is recognized, result is returned as a list of TextBlock objects.

02.03.2022 12:59:15

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