ImageCaptureSettings class

Provides access to the settings of the image capture scenario.

This class provides access to such settings as required minimum document to view ratio, document size for cropping, etc.

public class ImageCaptureSettings


Name Type Description
LicenseName string

Name of the license file.

Default: "MobileCapture.License"

ShouldShowPreview bool

Specifies if a preview of an image should be shown after capture. If true, a preview is shown. If false, the camera view is shown instead.

Default: false.

RequiredPageCount int

Total number of pages to be captured.

Set the page-limitation mode of the image capture as following:

  • 0 to allow unlimited image capture. The set of the result images can be saved or edited at any time;
  • a positive value to set the exact number of images that should be captured. Images saving is enabled only when this number of images are been captured.

Default: 0.

PageCompressionType CompressionType

The type of compression for PDF files depending on the base image format.

Default: CompressionType.Jpg.

PageCompressionLevel CompressionLevel

The uniform image compression scale for lossy formats.

Default: CompressionLevel.Low.

PageSize DocumentSize

The physical size of the documents.

Default: DocumentSize.ANY.

MinDocToViewRatio float

Coefficient, signifying required document to the capture view ratio. Capture will be performed only if the ratio is greater than or equal to this property value.

The value of this property should be in the range from 0 to 1.

Default: 0.15.

AspectRatioMin float

Lower limit of the document's aspect ratio. The value should be greater than or equal to 1 or 0 (aspect ratio is not set).

This property is used in pair with the AspectRatioMax, defining an interval of acceptable aspect ratio values of the document to be captured. Value of AspectRatioMin should be less than value of AspectRatioMax.

If only AspectRatioMax is set, AspectRatioMin will be set to 1.

Setting aspect ratio will help to improve boundary detection accuracy.

Default: 0 (aspect ratio is not set).

AspectRatioMax float

Upper limit of document's aspect ratio. The value should be greater than or equal to 1 or 0 (aspect ratio is not set).

This property is used in pair with the AspectRatioMin, defining an interval of acceptable aspect ratio values of the document to be captured. Value of AspectRatioMax should be greater than value of AspectRatioMin.

If only AspectRatioMin is set, AspectRatioMax will be set to infinity.

Setting aspect ratio will help to improve boundary detection accuracy.

Default: 0 (aspect ratio is not set).

ImageFromGalleryMaxSize int

Maximum available size of an image, loaded from the gallery. The size is defined as the length of the largest side of an image (in pixels).

Default: 4096.

02.03.2022 12:59:15

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