CharInfo class

Extended information about character formatting and properties.

class CharInfo


Name Type Description
Quadrangle List<Point> The four vertex points of the bounding quadrangle. The vertices are indexed clockwise starting from the bottom left.
BoundingRect Rectangle Rectangle, containing the character. Rectangle is defined by width, height and upper-left corner.
IsItalic bool Indicates if character font is italic.
IsBold bool Indicates if character font is bold.
IsUnderlined bool Indicates if character font is underlined.
IsStrikethrough bool Indicates if character font is strikethrough.
IsSmallcaps bool Indicates if character style is small caps.
IsSuperscript bool Indicates if character is a superscript.
IsUncertain bool Indicates if character is uncertainly recognized.

02.03.2022 12:59:15

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