API Reference

ABBYY FlexiCapture for Invoices Cloud API is organized around REST. The API enables you to access ABBYY FlexiCapture Cloud service resources. After you have registered and gotten the authentication header, you can make requests to the ABBYY FlexiCapture for Invoices Cloud API.

The API uses built-in HTTP features, like HTTP authentication and HTTP verbs, which are understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients.

ABBYY FlexiCapture Cloud web portal includes the API scheme in swagger format. You may use it to generate client code in the language that you use for your project using special tools, i.e. Swagger Editor.

API endpoint

https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com, where {location-id} is the supported location:

  • us: USA and Canada
  • au: Australia
  • eu: The European Union countries

REST Resources

REST Resource: v2.file

POST https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/file

Upload one or more files to the cloud.


GET https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/file/{id}/{token}

Download a file from the cloud.


GET https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/file/{id}/{token}/info

Returns file metadata.


DELETE https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/file/{id}/{token}

Delete a file from the cloud.

REST Resource: v2.task

POST https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/task/capture/invoices

Run an invoice capture task.


GET https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/task/{id}

Get task information by task ID.


DELETE https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/task/{id}

Delete task data by task ID.

REST Resource: v2.dataset
Create business unit

POST https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/dataset/businessunits

Create a list of business units.

Update business unit

PUT https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/dataset/businessunits

Update information about business units in the dataset.

Get business unit

GET https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/dataset/businessunits/{region}

Returns a list of business units according to the specified region.

Remove business unit by region

DELETE https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/dataset/businessunits/{region}

Removes business units with the specified region from the dataset.

Remove business unit by ID

DELETE https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/dataset/businessunit/{region}/{externalId}

Removes a business unit with the specified external ID from the dataset.

Create vendor

POST https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/dataset/vendors

Create a list of vendors.

Update vendor

PUT https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/dataset/vendors

Update information about vendors in the dataset.

Get vendor

GET https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/dataset/vendors/{region}

Returns a list of vendors according to the specified region.

Remove vendor by region

DELETE https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/dataset/vendors/{region}

Removes vendors with the specified region from the dataset.

Remove vendor by ID

DELETE https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/dataset/vendor/{region}/{externalId}/{businessUnitId}

Removes a vendor with the specified external ID from the dataset.

REST Resource: v2.training

POST https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/training

Train a data capture model.


GET https://api-{location-id}.flexicapture.com/v2/training/layout/{taskId}/{fileId}

Get captured data layout.

5/18/2023 9:30:10 AM

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