Version History

Below you can find features overview from ABBYY Mobile Web Capture versions.

What's new in ABBYY Mobile Web Capture R3 patch1 (Released: 03/2023)

  1. Fixed resources localization issue.
  2. Fixed a bug with the capture button displaying.
  3. Fixed a bug with the hiding gallery button.

What's New in ABBYY Mobile Web Capture R3 (Released: 07/2022)

  1. Changed the image storage format.
  2. Images are now returned as blobs instead of base64-encoded strings.
  3. Fixed memory issues on iOS and Android.

What's New in ABBYY Mobile Web Capture R2 patch3 (Released: 11/2021)

  1. Added a new image capture option: you can now use the system camera to capture images (the useSystemCamera option).
  2. Fixed UI crashes in iOS 15.
  3. Fixed a bug with the front camera for locales other than EN and RU.
  4. Minor improvements and bug fixes.

What's New in ABBYY Mobile Web Capture R2 patch 2 (Released: 01/2021)

This update contains minor bug fix.

What's New in ABBYY Mobile Web Capture R2 patch 1 (Released: 12/2020)

This update contains bug fix and user interface improvements.

What's New in ABBYY Mobile Web Capture R2 (Released: 09/2020)

New web browsers are now supported:

  • desktop:
    • Windows:
      • Chrome v57+
      • Firefox 53 and later
      • Edge (released January 15, 2020)
      • Opera 44 and later
    • MacOS:
      • Safari v12.2+
      • Chrome v57+
      • Opera 44 and later
  • Android smartphone/tablet:
    • Firefox 53 and later
    • Samsung Internet 7+
    • Opera 43 and later

What's New in ABBYY Mobile Web Capture R1 (Released: 07/2020)

  1. Single image processing low-level API is now available for simple integration ABBYY Mobile Web Capture mechanisms into your project (Core API section).
  2. Sample performing the core API usage was added for demonstration of the low-level API (#ERROR_INVALID_LINK_guidedtour_codesamples_coreapi#).
  3. Third-party technology libraries should now be linked to the projects explicitly. See Samples description for details.

What's New in ABBYY Mobile Web Capture 1.9 (Released: 05/2020)

  1. Capture screen, document editor and cropping screen can now be integrated separately to a web-site (mode option).
  2. New API was added for user interface customization. Interface elements visibility and color can be tuned via viewConfiguration option (See How to customize user interface section for details).
  3. Sample, demonstrating the user interface customization feature and calling capture screen and document editor separately, was added (#ERROR_INVALID_LINK_guidedtour_codesamples_customization#).
  4. New output parameter, indicating if the current image was the last one before exit from a gallery to a camera view, was added (isLastView property). This parameter may be used for correct handling return to the last viewed image in the gallery.

What's New in ABBYY Mobile Web Capture 1.8.1 (Released: 04/2020)

This update contains bug fix and improvements.

What's New in ABBYY Mobile Web Capture 1.8 (Released: 03/2020)

  1. New options for capture process tuning were added:
    • You can now set a lower limit of the device camera resolution, required for capture from browser (minCameraResolution option)
    • Set preferred resolution of images, captured from video stream, tuning the preferredCameraResolution option
    • Filter images with blurred text or low-text documents from capture or disable this option using enableSharpnessFilter property. This feature is available in a preview mode. Functionality will be improved and completed in future versions.
  2. New ABBYY Mobile Web Capture and ABBYY FlexiCapture integration sample was added. The new sample uses REST API FlexiCapture Cloud and demonstrates how to send captured document to the FlexiCapture Cloud and receive recognized data back on the front-end. See FlexiCapture Cloud REST API Sample section for details.
  3. Distribution structure was changed. See Distribution Kit section for details.

What's New in ABBYY Mobile Web Capture 1.7 (Released: 12/2019)

  1. The image crop technology improvement.
  2. User guidance for taking photos:
    • new API for document to view ratio calculating
    • pop-up tips in UI, explaining what to do to capture image.
  3. Apply button is now applying changes to all captured images.
  4. Multi-camera support: choose camera that will be used for capture manually.
  5. Updated and improved UI:
    • appearance optimization for phone, tablet and PC versions
    • new button on the crop view, putting the frame corners to the view corners
    • new button on the crop view, reverting all modifications and returning crop frame to the automatically detected state
    • magnifier, appearing at the page corners tapping
    • modified color theme
    • modified frame design.

What's New in ABBYY Mobile Web Capture 1.6 (Released: 10/2019)

  1. The image capture accuracy improvement.
  2. Web Workers support.

What's New in ABBYY Mobile Web Capture 1.5 (Released: 09/2019)

  1. ABBYY Mobile Web Capture and ABBYY FlexiCapture integration sample was modified. ABBYY FlexiCapture Cloud is now supported as a back-end for the sample, in addition to ABBYY FlexiCapture Application Server.
    See the step-by-step configurations section to investigate required configurations for implementing ABBYY FlexiCapture Cloud as a back-end.
  2. The image capture accuracy improvement.

03.04.2023 17:06:08

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