IWebCaptureInitOptions interface

This interface provides access to settings, that can be defined on the process initialization.

interface IWebCaptureInitOptions

The following table describes the options available for initializing process configuration. All the settings are optional.

Name Type Description
licenseFilePath string

A path to the License file. This property should be set according to your personal License file name. You can set either absolute or relative path. Please note, that the relative path refers to the wasmFilesPath property value, as the license is used inside the wasm files code.

 Important! This parameter value is case sensitive.

Default value of this property is an absolute path '/libs/js/MWC.ABBYY.License'.

wasmFilesPath string

A path to folder storing the wasm files. You can set either absolute or relative path. Please note, that the relative path refers to the file calling current method.

 Important! This parameter value is case sensitive.

Default value of this property is a relative path 'libs/js'.

localizedStrings object

JSON object containing the interface strings. If you are implementing a non-English user interface, you can define the string resources, uploading a JSON file with messages in required language to this parameter or defining them inside your code.

Investigate the /libs/js/index.d.ts file to view available source strings described in the ILocalizedStrings interface.

By default the object is set to {} (is empty), which means, that user interface is performed in English.

viewConfiguration object

JSON object containing the user interface settings. To adjust your web-site user interface, i.e. elements color, define the settings in a .json file. The settings can be general, that will be applied to all the screens, and local for each separate screen tuning.

 Note: General settings are preferred over separate screens customization. Exceptions: "Add page" button, "Done" button and "Continue" button. These buttons should be tuned for every screen separately.

Investigate the How to customize user interface section for details and JSON example..

22.07.2024 13:11:06

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