IBlobImageResult interface

This interface stores information about the original and edited captured image.

interface IBlobImageResult {}


Name Type Description
capturedImage Blob The cropped result JPG image with corrected perspective distortion. If no crop was applied, result image will be the same as the original one.


y: number}[]

Document boundary on the image after editing.

Document boundary defined by an array of four vertex points of the bounding quadrangle. The vertices are indexed clockwise starting from the bottom left.

originalImage Blob The original JPG image.


y: number}[]

Document boundary detected at the original image before any editing was performed.

Document boundary is defined by an array of four vertex points of the bounding quadrangle. The vertices are indexed clockwise starting from the bottom left.

isLastView boolean Indicates if the current image was the last one before exit from a gallery to a camera view. This parameter may be used for correct handling return to the last viewed image in the gallery.
ocrQuality ocrQuality

Quality assessment for OCR, calculated according to the captured image quality.

This property is available only if the enableQualityAssessmentForOCR property is true.

 Note: This is a technology preview feature. The functionality will be improved and completed in future versions.

03.04.2023 17:06:08

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