Non-root installation

Non-root installation is designed for customers who would like to install and run ABBYY FineReader Engine without root privileges.

Take into account that non-root installation has several limitations:

  1. You should specify a path to a folder with licensing data during installation. A user who installs and uses ABBYY FineReader Engine should have full access permissions on it.
  2. The Licensing Service must be run manually each time you start the operating system (before using ABBYY FineReader Engine). You may run it as a daemon or an application (see Step 6 in instruction).
  3. Just one Licensing Service instance should be launched on the system. If ABBYY FineReader Engine was installed by several non-root users, it is enough to run the Licensing Service by only one non-root user.
  4. Make sure a user who installs and uses ABBYY FineReader Engine has full access permissions on FREngineDataFolder. Use the InitializeEngine function to change the folder to one that you can grant read and write permissions.
  5. To uninstall ABBYY FineReader Engine, first, stop the Licensing Service and then delete all ABBYY FineReader Engine files manually.

You will need:

  • information about your license (depends on the protection type and license type you use)

Run the as non-root user and follow the instructions depending on the installation type you have chosen.

Important! For this scenario, installing the RPM packages is not supported.

Using installation wizard:

  1. Read the License Agreement and confirm your possession of a License.
  2. Specify the path to the folder where the ABBYY FineReader Engine library will be installed.
  3. Select the installation type option (Developer or Runtime).
  4. Specify the license folder to store your license and associated data.
  5. Select the activation type option (Local Server or Remote Server).
  6. Start the Licensing Service via the command.

as a daemon

run "<FRE_installation_directory>/Bin/ServiceWrapper

or as an application

run "<FRE_installation_directory>/CommonBin/Licensing/LicensingService /standalone"

You may skip this step and launch the service manually after installation.

  1. Specify your Customer Project ID (in Developer installation only).
  2. Specify the full path and the password to the Online License token file or skip this step (in Developer installation only).
    Note that Online License does not require activation.
  3. Activate your Software license or skip this step. Note that this step is relevant only if you have launched the Licensing Service on Step 6.
  4. Wait for installation to complete.

See the license details in the License Manager Utility.

Using command line:

Important! This scenario does not support license activation during ABBYY FineReader Engine installation.

  1. Specify the following parameters:
    • The path to the folder where the ABBYY FineReader Engine library will be installed.
    • Your license data depending on protection type.
      Important! For Software protection, you should specify the serial number along with the --skip-local-service-installation or --skip-local-license-activation option.
    • A path to a folder for storing the licensing data.
    • Your Customer Project ID (for Developer installation only).
    • The parameter of the developer installation if necessary.

The example of command line for Developer installation with Online protection: -- --install-dir "<folder path>" 
--project-id "<Customer Project ID>" --license-path "<file path>" --license-password "<password>" 
--licenses-folder "<folder path>" --developer-install 
  1. Wait for installation to complete.
  2. Launch the Licensing Service manually as described in Step 6.
  3. Activate your license in case of using Software protection by the script.

Important! You must run the with the same permissions you launched the ABBYY FineReader Engine installation with.

Note that other protection types do not require activation. See the license details in the License Manager Utility.

Important! 1. If you would like to distribute your license between the workstations, you need to install the Licensing Service on the license server, as described in Step 6, then install the library on the workstations (see the installation example in any Network license scenario in this guide).

2. After installing ABBYY FineReader Engine, the folder for storing the licensing data can be changed in LicensingSettings.xml. See the example in Working with the LicensingSettings.xml File article.

7/3/2024 8:50:24 AM

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