Network license

In this scenario, you are about to develop an application that uses ABBYY FineReader Engine library on a workstation connected to the license server through a network. The installation is performed via the command line, without any interaction with the user.

You will need:

  • a USB dongle containing the parameters of your hardware protection key.
  • your Customer Project ID.
  • the DNS name or IP-address of the license server.

Follow the instructions:

  1. Install the Licensing Service on the license server, as described in Installing the Licensing Service.
  2. Install the Wibu CodeMeter key drivers on the license server.
  3. Connect the hardware protection key to the USB port of the license server. License activation is not required.
  4. Install the library on the workstations:

Specify the following parameters in the command line:

  • The path to the folder where the ABBYY FineReader Engine library will be installed.
  • IP-address of the license server with the Licensing Service installed.
  • Your Customer Project ID.
  • The parameter of the developer installation.

The example of command line: -- --install-dir "<folder path>" 
--service-address "<address>" --project-id "<Customer Project ID>" --developer-install
  1. Wait for installation to complete.

Now your application can use ABBYY FineReader Engine library while the key is connected, and you can view the license details in the License Manager Utility.

7/3/2024 8:50:24 AM

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