Network license

In this scenario, you are about to develop an application that uses ABBYY FineReader Engine library on a workstation connected to the license server through a network. The installation is performed by manually copying the files.

You will need:

  • an Online License token file (named like SWRTXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.ABBYY.ActivationToken).
  • the password to the license token file.
  • your Customer Project ID.
  • the DNS name or IP-address of the license server.

Follow the instructions:

  1. Install the Licensing Service on the license server, as described in Installing the Licensing Service.

Use ABBYY FineReader Engine and Licensing Service from the same package. Otherwise, compatibility is not guaranteed.

  1. Install the library on the workstations:
    1. Unpack the with the --target and --noexec options. The example of command line: --noexec --target <where to unpack>
  1. Copy the following files:
    • Files for the functioning of the modules that your application will support.
    • Files marked as “mandatory” in ABBYY FineReader Engine Distribution Kit section in Developer's Help. They are system modules and main recognition databases.
    • Resource files for interface languages that will be used in your application.
    • Dictionary support files for recognition languages that your application will support. If the recognition languages include languages with the Latin alphabet, make sure that you copy the Univers.amd and Univers.amm files.
    • The License Manager utility (LicenseManager.Console,

Note: You can use the FREngineDistribution.csv file to automatically create a list of files required for your application to function.

  1. Create a folder for storing the licensing data on each workstation (default is /var/lib/ABBYY/SDK/12/Licenses). Everyone should have full access permissions on it. To change this folder, see an example described in Working with the LicensingSettings.xml File article.
  2. Place the token file on all workstations in the folder where your application will search for this file. You may choose the /var/lib/ABBYY/SDK/12/Licenses folder, which is the default behavior, or another folder used for storing the licensing data. Everyone must have full access permissions on these folders.
  3. Create a LicensingSettings.xml file, setting up the same type of connection protocol you specified for the server and the address of the server:
   <MainNetworkLicenseServer ServerAddress="[your server address]" ProtocolType="Sockets"/>

If you set another port for the server, repeat the same setting here, specifying the port number from the sample below.

   <MainNetworkLicenseServer ServerAddress="[your server address]" ProtocolType="Sockets" EndPointName="1025"/>

An Online License does not need activation: license information is received at the application run-time from ABBYY Online licensing services. To authorize, the application sends a license token file and a license password.

Note that:

  • Internet connection is required when the application is running.
  • Connections to * on port 443 (HTTPS) are allowed. If the connection is lost, the application will stop functioning after a certain reconnection timeout is exceeded. The synchronization period and the reconnection timeout are specific parameters of each Online License.
  • Port 3023 must be opened on the license server for its connection to the workstations. The only supported connection protocol is Sockets.
  • GoDaddy root certificate should be installed on the license server with the Licensing Service installed. See the detailed information about the certificate on the GoDaddy website.

03.07.2024 8:50:24

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