Known Vulnerabilities

Angular vulnerability

A known vulnerability of AngularJS later than 1.7.0 is present in Timeline, which uses AngularJS 1.8.2. The vulnerability exposes Timeline to regular expression denial of service attacks by providing a custom locale that makes it possible to assign a very long string to a certain locale parameter, which in turn blocks the browser. More about the vulnerability here:

Timeline itself does not make use of the vulnerable custom locale, never configures the vulnerable parameter in any locales with any value, and certainly not with a user-provided string. It is still possible for the user to set this parameter, but not via Timeline, only via the developer console of the browser. Even if that happens, the effect is visible only in the user's browser and only in the actual session. It does not have any effect on any other user, or even the user's own browser after refreshing the page.

Since the impact of this vulnerability is negligible, we decided not to fix it, considering our ongoing work of phasing out AngularJS from Timeline altogether.

d3-color vulnerability

A known vulnerability of the d3-color module version 2.0.0 is present in Timeline. The vulnerability may expose the program to regular expression denial of service attacks by providing an option to manually define colors. More about the vulnerability here:

Timeline uses the d3-color module within the Nivo library. To exploit the vulnerability, the user should have the ability to define colors on charts rendered by Nivo. Timeline users cannot set colors for entities that use the d3-color module in Nivo charts. This way, Timeline itself eliminates the risk of configuring vulnerable parameters in charts.

ansi-regex vulnerability

A known vulnerability of ansi-regex, which is exposed to Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity, appears with the globally installed ansi-regex package in the AWS lambda base image. More about the vulnerability here:

Timeline does not use the package provided in the image.

axios vulnerability

Axios is a promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js, it is used by several Timeline features. Axios is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) due to inserting the X-XSRF-TOKEN header using the secret XSRF-TOKEN cookie value in all requests to any server when the XSRF-TOKEN cookie is available, and the withCredentials setting is turned on. If a malicious user manages to obtain this value, it can potentially lead to the XSRF defense mechanism bypass. Timeline itself is not affected by the issue, as withCredentials axios config values are always false by default. Some requests are initiated with credentials included, but Timeline uses the XMLHttpRequest framework for those and not axios.
The vulnerability is reported in several GitHub issues, you can refer to the first of them for details:

15.07.2024 8:46:07

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