

  • Links in the admin app now correctly redirect to the upload report.
  • Caching process of a large project continues when switching to another project.
  • Fixed issue in the Forecast analysis module, that can cause unexpected error when opening a single entity in Timelines.
  • The Metric history analysis module can interact with Attribute duration metric.
  • Metric name input in Side-by-side comparison submits on Enter.
  • Fixed decimal format processing in Timeline modules.
  • Resolved issues with project and Process view board cloning.
  • Applied filters in Primary path view now correctly interact with Current filters section.
  • New events, that appear with the latest data upload, are shown in Primary path view.
  • Configuration menu is unavailable for schemas without mined behavior in Simulation.
  • Uploads to repository support Mac-style line endings.
  • Fixed scrolling of the repository tables list.
  • Resolved issues related to the data upload into repository.

Task Mining

  • Log cutting properly processes events without assigned application.
  • Timeline does not block switching between URL path and Domain name options in Definition editor when one of the options is selected.
  • Supported screenshot processing for Task Mining projects created in older versions.


  • Fixed screenshot recording for checkboxes in the Microsoft Word settings section.
  • Resolved issues with the screenshot loss for the last checkbox event in the log.
  • Fixed screenshot capture for actions made before/after scrolling.

15.07.2024 8:46:07

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