Technical Support

Should you have any questions regarding the use of ABBYY Timeline, first of all, consult the documentation provided with this product (this Help). Useful information can also be found in the technical support section of the ABBYY Web site at

If you cannot find the answer to your question, submit a request to the ABBYY Technical Support service on this page. Please provide the following information when contacting technical support:

General information

  • Your first and last name
  • The name of your organization
  • Your phone number (or fax, or e-mail)
  • Your Timeline installation: On-Premises or Cloud
  • The version of your operating system
  • The version and build number
    • on the Timeline website click at the bottom of the left bar and then select About
    • on the Recording Service website click About at the bottom left of the window
  • A description of the problem and the full text of the error message (if there was any)
  • You may also wish to provide any additional information you consider important


The installation process generates a set of log files for the Timeline, Recording Service, and Recorder installations. You can use these files to verify that you installed applications successfully, or to troubleshoot your installation. You can also package these files so that they can be sent to ABBYY Technical Support for problem diagnosis. See below for the information on the location of the log files and how to collect them.


To find logs go to the computer where Timeline is installed. You will find the log files in the following directories, depending on the OS involved:

  • Windows
    %temp%\ABBYY_Timeline_YYYYММDD<file number>.log
  • Linux

Recording Service and Recorder

To find logs go to the computer where Recording Service or Recorder are installed. Use the Trace Collector application to gather the most recent log files automatically. To do it, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the application, depending on the module you want the logs to be collected for:
    1. Recording Service
      Launch Trace Collector from the application folder. By default - C:\inetpub\ABBYY Recording Service\Abbyy.RecordingService.TraceCollector.exe
    2. Recorder
      Start Trace Collector from tray
      Launch it from the application folder. By default - C:\Program Files\ABBYY Recorder\Abbyy.Recorder.TraceCollector.exe
  2. Click the About button.
  3. Select Diagnostic Report in the appeared dialog.
  4. In the opened application window, you will see the latest logs selected by default. No additional actions are needed.
  5. Click the Save as button, then select the path for the resulting archive.
  6. Send the archive to our support team with your request.

If for some reason you need to access the log directories manually, by default they are located in the following folders (Windows only):

  • Recorder
  • Recording Service
    C:\inetpub\ABBYY Recording Service\logs

15.07.2024 8:46:07

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