AbbyyRtrSdk module

ABBYY Mobile Capture SDK plugin module.


Name Description
User interface
startTextCapture Opens a modal dialog for the Text Capture scenario.
startDataCapture Opens a modal dialog for the Data Capture scenario.
startImageCapture Opens a modal dialog for the Image Capture scenario.
Core API
recognizeText Starts a text capture scenario for a single image.
extractData Starts a data capture scenario for a single image.
detectDocumentBoundary Detects a quadrangle representing document boundary on an image.
cropImage Crops image according to the document boundary and size.
rotateImage Rotates image by specified angle.
assessQualityForOcr Estimates if an image quality is suitable for OCR.
exportImage Exports an image to JPG or PNG format.
exportImagesToPdf Exports images to PDF format.

3/2/2022 12:59:15 PM

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