Available rules

Invoice validation rules

Any pre-configured rules can be disabled by the user in the properties of the Document Definition. It is also possible to create user-defined rules.

Field groups Rule Description Enabled by default (Invoice Processing (Au-NZ)) Enabled by default (Invoice Processing (CA)) Enabled by default (Invoice Processing (ES)) Enabled by default (Invoice Processing (EU)) Enabled by default (Invoice Processing (US)) Enabled by default (Invoice Processing (JP))
Business Unit Information about business units must be added to database

This rule checks if a new business unit that was found on the image and was saved to the BU data set has been added to the database.

* This rule must be enabled when business unit databases are used.

No No Yes Yes No No
Business Unit's address is required This rule checks to make sure that the BU\Street field is not empty. No No Yes Yes No No
Business Unit's name is required This rule checks to make sure that the BU\Name field is not empty. No No Yes Yes No No
Business Unit's VATID is required

This rule checks to make sure that the BU\VATID field is not empty.

* The rule is applied to all supported countries except Switzerland.

No No Yes Yes No No
Check ABN This rule checks if the BU\VATID field for AU invoices is filled in. Yes
Business Unit must be found in database

This rule checks if the business unit found on the invoice image is found in the BU data set.

* This rule must be enabled when business unit databases are used.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Business Unit's Country is required This rule checks to make sure that the BU\Country field is not empty. No No No No No No
Check tax rates on national invoices This rule checks that the applied tax rates are correct for invoices from the same country. The possible tax rates and their validity periods are known for each country. No No Yes Yes No No
Check Tax Rate JP This rule checks that the applied tax rates are correct. Yes
Check tax rates field on international invoices This rule checks that the applied tax rates are correct for international invoices. The possible tax rates and their validity periods are known for each country. No No Yes Yes No No
Vendor Vendor address is required This rule checks to make sure that the Vendor\Street field is not empty. No No Yes Yes No No
Vendor name is required This rule checks to make sure that the Vendor\Name field is not empty. No No Yes Yes No No
Vendor VATID is required

This rule checks to make sure that the Vendor\VATID field is not empty.

* The rule is applied to all supported countries except Switzerland.

No No Yes Yes No No
Vendor must be found in database

This rule checks if the vendor that was found on the invoice image is also present in the vendor data set.

* This rule must be enabled when vendor databases are used.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Vendor details must be added to database

This rule checks if a new vendor that was found on the image and was saved to the vendor data set has been added to the database.

* This rule must be enabled when vendor databases are used.

No No Yes Yes No Yes
Vendor's bank details are required This rule checks if IBAN, Bank code, and Bank Account correspond to values in the vendor data set. No No Yes Yes No No
Check vendor's bank details against database This rule checks that the vendor's bank details detected on the invoice image are the same as the bank details in the Vendor data set. No No Yes Yes No Yes
Invoice Header Data Invoice number is required This rule checks to make sure that the Invoice Number field is not empty.


* This rule is applied to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand


* This rule is applied to all supported countries except Switzerland.


* This rule is applied to all supported countries except Switzerland.


* This rule is applied to all supported countries except Switzerland.


*This rule is applied to Canada


* This rule is applied to all supported countries except Switzerland.

Invoice date is required This rule checks to make sure that the Invoice Date field is not empty.


* This rule is applied to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

Yes Yes Yes Yes


* If the field is filled in, but the year is not specified, the field value is replaced with a date in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD, where YYYY is the current year

Delivery date is required This rule checks to make sure that the Delivery Date field is not empty. The rule has no effect if Delivery Date Indicator is set. No No No No No No
Delivery date must be earlier than Invoice date The following check is performed: delivery date is within the interval Delivery Date <= Invoice Date. No No No No No No
Delivery date must not be earlier than a year ago The following check is performed: delivery date is within the interval Today - 365(366) days <= Delivery Date No No No No No No
Check currency value This rule checks to make sure that the currency is the same as one of the currencies specified for the project. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Amounts Total is a required field This rule checks to make sure that the Total field is not empty. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Amount check This rule checks if Net Amount + Tax Amount = Total. If additional costs or discounts are detected, then the rules checks if Net Amount + Tax Amount + Additional Costs = Total. No No Yes Yes
Tax Rate field must not be empty If either Net Amount or Tax Amount is not empty, then the respective Tax Rate should not be empty. No No Yes Yes No No
If tax rate is detected, pre-tax amount is required

This rule checks to make sure that for each detected tax rate, the corresponding Net Amount field is not empty.

* This rule is applied only to Germany.

No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
If tax rate is found, tax amount is required This rule checks to make sure that for each detected tax rate, the respective Tax Amount is not empty No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Total Tax is required field

This rule checks to make sure that the Amounts\Total Tax Amount field is not empty.

* This rule is applied to all supported countries except Germany.

No No Yes Yes No No
Check Tax field This rule checks to make sure that for each detected tax rate, the respective Tax Amount is correct for the respective NetAmount and TaxRate (i.e. that the arithmetic equality TaxAmount = (TaxRate / 100) * NetAmount is true). No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Check Total Tax field

The following check is performed:

Total Tax Amount = Tax Amount 1 + Tax Amount 2.

* This rule is applied to all supported countries except Germany.

No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Check Net Total field

The following check is performed:

Total Net Amount = Net Amount 0 + Net Amount 1 + Net Amount 2.

If the Total Net Amount field is empty, this rule enters data into the field according to the calculations.

No Depending on the field group to which this rule is applied. Yes Yes No No
Check Total field if total tax amount is required

This rule checks to make sure that the sum of the detected net amount, tax amount, and additional costs is equal to Total.

* This rule is applied to all countries except Germany.

No No Yes Yes Yes No
Check Total field if total tax amount is optional

This rule checks to make sure that the sum of each found net amounts, tax amounts, and additional costs is equal to Total

* This rule is applied to Germany.

No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Verify net total against order items This rule checks the sum total of the values in the TotalPriceNetto column of the LineItems table against the invoice amount prior to taxes (TotalNetAmount). No No No No No No
Purchase Order Check invoice line items count against order items count This rule checks if the number of line items in an invoice is the same as the number of line items in the corresponding purchase order. No No No No No No
Check purchase order number and amount This rule checks if the order number and amount captured from an invoice correspond to the orders in the PurchaseOrders data set.


if the Purchase order matching feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Purchase order matching feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Purchase order matching feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Purchase order matching feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Purchase order matching feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Purchase order matching feature is enabled (See Additional fields)

Copy PO data to TrainablePO This rule copies the  PurchaseOrders group fields whose regions have been found on the invoice  to the group being trained. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Check if invoice line items are matched with unique order items This rule checks if there are multiple line items in an invoice associated with one and the same line item in the purchase order. No No No No No No
Line Items Check item amount For each invoice item, this rule checks to make sure that the following is true: Quantity * UnitPrice is the same as TotalPriceNetto for the item after DiscountPercentage is applied.


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)

Match invoice line item with order item This rule checks to make sure that each line item from an invoice has corresponding item in the PurchaseOrderItems data set.


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)

Check LineItems currency value This rule checks to make sure that the currency of the line item is the same as one of the currencies specified for the project.


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction feature is enabled (See Additional fields)

Price per unit is required This rule checks to make sure that the Unit Price column is not empty.


*This rule is applied to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand


*This rule is applied to Canada


*This rule is applied to Canada

Line level Total is required This rule checks to make sure that the Total Price Netto field is not empty.


*This rule is applied to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand


*This rule is applied to Canada


*This rule is applied to Canada

Quantity is required This rule checks to make sure that the Quantity column is not empty.


*This rule is applied to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand


*This rule is applied to Canada


*This rule is applied to Canada

Check GL Code This rule checks if the value of the field is in the GLCodes data set. It is also used for making a list of suggestions for stations.


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)

Check cost center This rule checks if the VendorId, the associated BUId and the associated LineItems/CostCenter field are present in the CostCenters data set. It is also used for making a list of suggestions for stations.


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)

Note: When using an external database, the country of a document is the country of the vendor's business unit. If no external database is used, the country will be determined by an automatic country detector.

Service rules

These rules do not affect the status of a document and do not issue any messages to Operators. They are required for the correct operation of the ABBYY FlexiCapture for Invoices Document Definition.

Any pre-configured rules can be disabled by the user in the Document Definition properties. It is also possible to create user-defined rules.

Field groups Rule Description Enabled by default (Invoice Processing (Au-NZ)) Enabled by default (Invoice Processing (CA)) Enabled by default (Invoice Processing (ES)) Enabled by default (Invoice Processing (EU)) Enabled by default (Invoice Processing (US)) Enabled by default (Invoice Processing (JP))
Invoice Header Data Detect invoice type If Invoice Amount is negative or the words "Credit note" are found, the invoice type will be changed to Credit note. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Delivery Date field is empty or completed This rule sets/clears the value of Delivery Date Indicator field depending on whether the Delivery Date field is filled or not (if Delivery Date is empty, then Delivery Date Indicator is not set). This rule has no effect if Delivery Date Indicator has been verified. No No No No No No
Amounts Reversed Charge field is empty or completed If the only found VAT rate is equal to 0, or the words "Reverse Charge" are found, the value of the Reversed Charge field will be set to Yes. No No Yes Yes No No
Set currency to CAD or USD If no currency indicator is detected or if the $ is detected, sets the currency to Canadian dollars (CAD) if the vendor's country is Canada; or to US dollars (USD) if the vendor's country is the USA or any other country except Canada.


* This rule is applied to Canada and the USA


* This rule is applied to Canada and the USA

Set currency to AUD or NZD If no currency indicator is detected or if the $ is detected, sets the currency to Australian dollars (AUD), if the business unit's country is Australia, or to New Zealand dollars (NZD) if the business unit's country is New Zealand.


*This rule is applied to Australia and New Zealand

Detect national currency This rule automatically enters data into the Currency field (if it is empty) in invoices from France, Great Britain, and Spain. No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Complete Total Additional Cost field Computers the total amount of additional costs. No No Yes No
Complete Tax Rate field if it is empty Computes the value of the tax rate, if it is not found on the invoice image and provided that the other tax fields have been found. No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Complete Total Tax field if it is optional

This rule automatically enters data into the Amounts\Total Tax Amount field for countries where this field is not obligatory.

* This rule is applied only to Germany.

No No Yes Yes No No
Complete Total Tax field if only one tax rate is found This rule automatically enters data into the Amounts\Total Tax Amount if there is only one tax on the invoice. No No Yes Yes No No
Get summary information for Amounts group

This rule enters data into the Amounts\Summary field based on the following values:

Net0, Net1, Net2, Tax Amount 1, Tax Amount 2, Tax Rate 1, Tax Rate 2. Format: Sum (= Net0 + Net1 + Net2 + Tax Amount 1 + Tax Amount 2)+ AdditionalTaxGroups\ NetAmount + AdditionalTaxGroups\TaxAmount); and VAT rates which are found on the invoice. Example: 256; 0%

No Yes Yes Yes No No
Copy currency from LineItems If the Currency field (for the Total Tax Amount) is not found, the value is copied over from the LineItems table. No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Collect matched order items (necessary for proper work of PO Matching at items level) Compiles a list of PO line items that are already associated with their corresponding invoice line items. In the case of manual comparison, the Operator will see only those invoice line items for which no matches has yet been found in the purchase order. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Line Items If Order is checked make all corresponding line items valid If the Is Valid option is selected for one of the line items when comparing invoice line items against the purchase order, all the other line items will be marked as valid. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Copy order number from PurchaseOrders group If the Order Number field of the LineItems table is not matched, the order number value will be copied into this table from the Order Number field (the order number from the PurchaseOrder group of fields) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Separate currency from amount in field This rule splits amount and currency and copies the currency to the Currency field if it is empty. No Depending on the field group to which this rule is applied Depending on the field group to which this rule is applied Depending on the field group to which this rule is applied Yes Depending on the field group to which this rule is applied
Add GL Code to Vendor This rule checks if the GLCode column in the Vendors data set contains the necessary value for a specific vendor. Performs the same check for both vendor and business unit if the BusinessUnitId column in the data set is mapped. If the GLCode column does not contain the necessary value, it will be copied from the LineItems/GLCode field.


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)

Set suggests list for GL Code This rule creates a list of suggestions for the GLCode field out of data from the GLCodes data set


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)

Fill in GL code This rule checks if the GLCode column in the Vendors data set contains the necessary value for a specific vendor. Performs the same check for both vendor and business unit if the BusinessUnitId column in the data set is mapped. If the GLCode column contains the necessary value, it will be copied from the data set to the LineItems/GLCode field.


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)

Set suggest list for cost centers This rule creates a list of suggestions for the GLCode field out of data from the CostCenters data set. The suggestions are filtered by their BUId values.


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)


if the Line items extraction and GL Coding features are enabled (See Additional fields)

Note: When using an external database, the country of a document is the country of the vendor's business unit. If no external database is used, the country will be determined by an automatic country detector.

6/18/2023 5:47:23 PM

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