Validation rules

A Commercial Invoice Document Definition contains preset automatic verification rules for checking commercial invoices. Any of these rules can be enabled and disabled from the Rules tab in the Document Definition Settings dialog. You can also set up custom rules.

Note: The rules below are applied in the same order in which they are listed.

Rule Description
Suggest weight UoM* Suggests values for empty GrossWeightUoM**, NetWeightUoM, and Weight UoM fields if the corresponding Weight and NetWeight fields are filled in. Values are suggested based on non-empty NetWeightUoM and GrossWeightUoM fields.
Check Total Weight Script*

Checks the value of the Weight field.

  • If the GrossWeight** column is not empty and if the Weight field is either empty or does not correspond to the sum of the values in the GrossWeight column, the rule suggests filling in the Weight field with the sum of all GrossWeight fields.
  • If the Weight field is not empty and the GrossWeight column is, the value of the Weight field is suggested for any line from the GrossWeight column.
Total amount check Checks that the sum of all line item costs and all additional charges is equal to the total invoiced amount as calculated by adding the sum of the values in the TotalPrice column (LineItems group) to the value of the Amount field in the AdditionalCosts group.
Separate currency from amount in Total field Splits the currency symbol from the amount in the Total field if a currency symbol was merged with the amount during recognition. The currency value is copied over to the Currency field if the latter is not filled in.
Check item amount Checks that for every entry in the LineItems group, the product of Quantity and Unit Price corresponds to the value of Total Price. If one of the values is missing, suggests a value for it based on the two other values (product of Quantity and Unit Price suggested for Total Price, etc.).
Separate currency from amount in LI_UnitPrice field Splits the currency symbol from the amount in the Unit Price field if a currency symbol was merged with the amount during recognition. The currency value is copied over to the Currency field in the LineItems group if the latter is not filled in.
Separate currency from amount in LI_Total Price Splits the currency symbol from the amount in the Total Price field if a currency symbol was merged with the amount during recognition. The currency value is copied over to the Currency field in the LineItems group if the latter is not filled in.
Hide LineItems currency if Total is empty Deletes the value of the Currency field in the в группе LineItems group if the primary Total field is not filled in.
Hide currency if Total is empty Deletes the value of the Currency field in the entire document if the primary Total field is not filled in.
Check LineItems currency value Checks that the value in the Currency field in the LineItems group corresponds to an ISO code. If the value in the Currency field is valid, copies it over to the Currency field in the LineItems group. Otherwise, suggests ISO-compliant replacements for each Currency field in the LineItems group.
Vendor must be found in database

Checks whether the vendor detected on the invoice is present in the Variants data set.

This rule must be enabled when working with databases.

Vendor details must be added to database

Checks whether a new vendor that was detected on the image and added to the data set was also added to the database.

This rule must be enabled when working with databases.

Fill Value from INCOValues

Standardizes the detected value for INCO Term to the following format: "acronym: expansion". For example:

  • FOB: Free On Board
  • FAS: Free Alongside Ship
Detect national currency Detects the national currency based on the country of the consignee.
Copy currency from LineItems If the value of the primary Currency field is either empty or invalid, copies over a valid currency value from the LineItems group, if one is detected.
Copy currency from AdditionalCosts If the value of the primary Currency field is either empty or invalid, copies over a valid currency value from the AdditionalCosts group, if one is detected.
Check currency value Checks the value of the Currency field if Total is filled in. If Currency contains an invalid value, suggests replacement values in ISO code format.
Information about Consignee must be added to database

Checks whether a new business unit of the consignee detected on the image and added to the data set was also added to the database.

This rule must be enabled when working with databases.

Consignee must be found in database

Checks whether the consignee business unit was detected in the data set.

This rule must be enabled when working with databases.

Hide currency if Total is empty2 Deletes the value of the Currency field in the AdditionalCosts group if the primary Total field is not filled in.
Check Additional Costs Currency Checks the value of the Currency field in the AdditionalCosts group if the Total field is filled in. If Currency contains an invalid value, suggests replacements in ISO code format.
Separate money from amount in AdditionalCosts Splits the currency symbol from the amount in the Amount field in the AdditionalCosts group if a currency symbol was merged with the amount during recognition. The currency is copied over to the Currency field in the  AdditionalCosts group if the latter is not filled in.

* denotes rules not enabled by default.

** denotes fields not enabled by default. To enable these rules, do the following:

  1. Select the appropriate field from the Fields list.  
  2. In the context menu, select Properties....
  3. In the dialog box that will open, navigate to the General tab and select the following options: Export field value, Show on verification.

18.06.2023 17:47:23

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