Enabling additional program features for operators

The administrator may enable additional features for operators that will be processing invoices. Note that these additional features are always available to users with administrator permissions.

Training the program while processing invoices

If the results of automatic field extraction are below the expected standard, the operator can additionally train ABBYY FlexiCapture for Invoices while processing invoices. In the process, new FlexiLayouts are created which can then be used instead of the regular FlexiLayout. See Training ABBYY FlexiCapture for Invoices for details.

To enable the additional training feature, complete the following steps:

  1. In the main window of the Document Definition editor, select Document Definition → Document Definition Properties....
  2. In the dialog box that opens, click the Document Definition Settings tab.
  3. Click the Edit... button next to the Additional Fields and Features group to open the Document Definition Features dialog box.
  4. Select the Training during processing option.
    Note: To disable the additional training feature for operators (if enabled), clear the Training during processing option.

If a verification operator changes the field mark-up on a document image, then, at the training stage, this document will be copied into the training batch used for this document variant. Every first and second document thus added will be assigned the "For training" status, and every third document will be assigned the "For testing" status.

Note: Training is done independently for each document variant. Invoices from the same vendor are regarded as the same document variant.

The quality of the newly trained model will be tested on the documents which have the "For testing" status. The program will compare the number of fields that have been correctly matched. If the newly trained model delivers more correctly matched fields than the reference model, the new FlexiLayout will be saved and will be subsequently used for this document variant (i.e. for processing invoices from this particular vendor). See Training while processing documents for details.

Modifying and adding vendor and business unit records

When setting up your invoice capture project, you connected vendor and business unit databases to the corresponding data sets of the project. These data sets specify the structure of data and store a copy of the data inside the project, periodically synchronizing them with your external database. See Using vendor and business unit databases.

Invoice recognition starts with finding the vendor and the business unit. These field groups can be found on an image only if they are present in the data set. It is important that the program find the vendor and the business unit because these data are used to select the country of the invoice, which determines the tax rates used in finding the Amounts fields on the image and the choice of validation rules.

As a rule, all vendors and business units will be already included in the corresponding data sets. However, if you get an invoice from a new vendor which is not in the database, the group of Vendor fields will not be detected. Depending on the business process, adding the new vendor to the vendor database and synchronizing it with the data sets may take a long time, and the program will not be able to process invoices from that vendor until it finds the vendor in the data set.

A further example involves the change of address or account number of an existing vendor. Updating the vendor database and synchronizing it with the data set may take a long time, and the Operator needs the up-to-date information to be able to process invoices.

To resolve the above issues, the Administrator may enable the Operators to add or modify records in the data sets. Changes will be made to the data sets stored in the project, not to the external vendor and business unit databases.

If an Operator adds a new vendor to the data set, the program will be able to detect the Vendor group of fields on subsequent invoices from that vendor, just as if there was a record for the vendor in the external vendor database. However, the validation rules will detect that the vendor is missing in the external database and assign the Exception status to the invoice.

Next time the data set is synchronized with the external database, all vendors added by the Operators will be replaced with the appropriate records from the database or removed from the data set. See Updating data sets for more about updating data sets.

By default, Operators cannot edit or add new records to data sets. To enable this feature for Operators:

  1. In the main window of the Document Definition editor, select Document Definition → Document Definition Properties....
  2. In the dialog box that opens click the Data Sets tab.
  3. Select a data set from the list and click the Set Up... button.
  4. Enable the Operators can add records and/or Operators can edit records option.

If you do not want Operators to add or edit data sets, make sure these options are disabled.

18.06.2023 17:47:23

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