
Keywords for the Vendor / Business Unit and Invoice Header Data groups of fields

ABBYY FlexiCapture for Invoices uses keywords to search for fields on an image: if a keyword is detected, the program will look for a field in its vicinity. Common examples of keywords include field titles and captions.

For example, let us say an invoice contains the following text: Invoice Date: <value>. In this case "Invoice Date" will be the keyword used to find the InvoiceDate field.

Keywords can be specified using Located elements. Each Located element can only be attributed to one field in the Document Definition, but each field can have more than one Located element, each of which describes a separate model of the relationship between the keyword and the field on the invoice.

  • Keywords are specific to languages and countries. When a Document Definition is applied, the program takes keywords from the vendor's country, the business unit's country, and from the languages of these countries.
  • Normalization is applied to keywords.
    • tabs, spaces, line break characters and diacritical marks are ignored
    • letter case is ignored (the program makes no distinction between lower-case and upper-case letters)
      For example, for keyword purposes Tax point is the same as taxpoint.
  • The program allows for 2 or 3 recognition errors in keywords (depending on the element).
  • Sometimes a keyword appears in more than one language, for example Quantity/Anzahl. We recommend adding the whole keyword (Quantity/Anzahl) to both languages.
Field group Located Elements Description Specified in the properties of
Vendor / Business Unit Bank Account Keywords for the Bank Account field Country (the Keywords tab)
Bank Code Keywords for the Bank Code field Country (the Keywords tab)
IBAN Keywords for the IBAN field Country (the Keywords tab)
National VATID Keywords for the National VATID field Country (the Keywords tab)
Total Keywords for the Total field Country (the Keywords tab)
Total tax Keywords for the Total tax field Country (the Keywords tab)
VATID Keywords for the VATID field Country (the Keywords tab)
Invoice Header Data PurchaserNameLabels Different possible names of the PurchaserName field in the language. Language
PurchaserNameFalseFieldPrefixes Different possible names of fields that may be incorrectly identified as the PurchaserName field. We recommend specifying these only if you see specific cases. Language
CreditNoteKeywords Words in the language that may be used to identify the language as a Credit Note: Language
InvoiceIdentifiers Words which indicate that the document is an invoice. Language
OrderNumberLabels Possible names of the OrderNumber field in the language. Language
InvoiceNumberExcludePreffixes Words that are placed before numbers and may be omitted, such as "No." Language
InvoiceNumberExcludeSuffixes Words that are placed after numbers and may be omitted. We recommend specifying these only if you see specific examples. Language

Text that may precede an invoice's number, if that name is written in the same line as the date and they are separated by a slash or other character.


Invoice Number / date 23061336 / 07.07.2013

Rechnungsnr./ -datum 23061336 / 07.07.2013




The InvoiceNumberHighConfidenceLabels list contains fragments of text that unambiguously identify the field, such as "Invoice number" and "Document number". More ambiguous fragments of text such as "No." and "Bill" are listed in InvoiceNumberLowConfidenceLabels. Language
DueDateLabels Possible names of the DueDate field in the language. Language
DeliveryDateLabels Possible names of the DeliveryDate field in the language. Language
InvoiceDateLabelsNearCity Any fragment of text that may be used to separate the name of a city and the date if they are in the same line, such as a comma. Language
InvoiceDateLabelsNearInvoiceNumber Any fragment of text that may be used to separate the number of the invoice and the date if they are in the same line. Language



The InvoiceDateHighConfidenceLabels list contains fragments of text that unambiguously identify the field, such as "Invoice date" and "Document date". More ambiguous fragments of text such as "Tax Date" and "Tax Point" are listed in InvoiceDateLowConfidenceLabels. Language

Keywords for the Amounts group of fields

ABBYY FlexiCapture is capable of determining when a word is part of a word combination. For example, if you add the keywords total and total netto, and the image contains total netto, it will be identified as total netto and not total.

  • The program allows for up to 3 recognition errors in keywords.
  • This limitation can lead to errors. For example, the program may mix up the words brutto and netto. To avoid these errors, if you add a value (such as total netto) to AmountTotalNettoLabels, add the corresponding value (such as total brutto) to AmountTotalLabels.
Field group Located Elements Description Specified in the properties of



The captions of the Total field.

It is advisable to place captions that occur only with the total amount on the invoice in the HighConfidence group.

Captions that may occur with other amounts should be placed in the LowConfindence group.

AmountTotalNettoLabels The keyword that may be to the left or on the top of the Total Netto field Language
AmountTotalTaxLabels The keyword that may be to the left or on the top of the Total Tax field Language, Country (the Keywords tab)
ReversedChargeKeywords Words that can be used to indicate "Reversed Charge" in the language Language
Tax Rates Keywords for tax rates Country (the Tax Rates tab)
Currency Keywords or characters that indicate currencies. Country (the Currency tab)

Note: It is usually a bad idea to add the same word to Total Netto and Total.

Keywords for the Line Items group of fields

Keywords are used to find table titles that contain invoice fields, and for finding specific columns in tables. Words that are frequently used in titles of columns that correspond to Located Elements work best in this capacity.

If the same word can be found in titles of different columns, we recommend adding it to the Located Elements of these columns. In this case the program will be able to tell the columns apart by the contents of cells in these columns.

If the program still fails to tell the columns apart, or if the word is used frequently in one column and infrequently in other columns, leave the word in the Located Element of the column where it is used the most frequently and remove it from the Located Elements of the other columns.

  • The program allows for up to 3 recognition errors in keywords.
  • Keywords cannot take up more than one line.
  • The contents of a column must be located directly beneath the title of the column.
  • Keywords on images must be surrounded by spaces, commas or periods. So Quantity/Anzahl is one keyword, and Quantity / Anzahl is two.
    If a keyword may be written in more than one way, add all of the different ways it can be written, for example Quantity/Anzahl, Quantity and Anzahl.
Field group Located Elements Description Specified in the properties of
Line Items LineItemsArticleNumberLabels Keyword for the Article Number column Language
LineItemsArticleNumberBULabels Keyword for the Article Number BU column Language
LineItemsCurrencyLabels Keyword for the Currency column Language
LineItemsDeliveryDateLabels Keyword for the Delivery Date column Language
LineItemsDescriptionLabels Keyword for the Description column Language
LineItemsDiscountAmountLabels Keyword for the Discount Amount column Language
LineItemsDiscountPercentageLabels Keyword for the Discount Percentage column Language
LineItemsMaterialNumberBULabels Keyword for the Material Number BU column Language
LineItemsMaterialNumberLabels Keyword for the Material Number column Language
LineItemsOrderDateLabels Keyword for the Order Date column Language
LineItemsOrderNumberLabels Keyword for the Order Number column Language
LineItemsPositionLabels Keyword for the Position column Language
LineItemsQuantityLabels Keyword for the Quantity column Language
LineItemsQuantityOrderedLabels Keyword for the Quantity Ordered column Language
LineItemsQuantityUndeliveredLabels Keyword for the Quantity Undelivered column Language
LineItemsSubtotalVariants Reserved Language
LineItemsTotalPriceBruttoLabels Keyword for the Total Price Brutto column Language
LineItemsTotalPriceNettoLabels Keyword for the Total Price Netto column Language
LineItemsUnitsOfMeasureLabels Keyword for the Units of Measure column Language
LineItemsUnitsOfMeasureVariants Possible field values in the Unit Of Measure column Language

Captions in the column header which is used as a multiplier for the Unit Price column when computing the equality for an invoice item: Unit Price * Denominator * Quantity = Total Netto.

For instance, if UnitPrice is price per unit and Quantity indicates the number of packs, the Boolean column UnitPriceDenominator will correspond to a column that indicates the number of units in one pack.

LineItemsUnitPriceLabels Keyword for the UnitPrice column Language
LineItemsVATAmountLabels Keyword for the VAT Amount column Language
LineItemsVATCodeLabels Keyword for the VAT Code column Language
LineItemsVATPercentageLabels Keyword for the VAT Percentage column Language

Note: The quality of keyword detection depends on the quality of full-text recognition.

You can change the pre-recognition mode on the FlexiLayout tab of the Document Definition Properties dialog box. The higher the quality of pre-recognition, the more time it will take.

18.06.2023 17:47:23

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