Looking up vendors and business units in the database
If a vendor or a business unit was not detected automatically when an invoice was recognized, you can select one from the database. There are two ways to do this:
Begin typing the desired value in one of the fields of the group
Click the Find... button in the form
Modifying vendor and business unit records and adding new ones
Important! This feature must be enabled by the Administrator.
The Vendor and Business Unit groups of fields contain the main fields. The program needs to detect these fields before it can locate and capture all other data.
Information from your data sets is used to find these fields on the invoice. (A data set is a local copy of a table from an external database that stores information about vendors or business units. A data set may be periodically updated to synchronize it with its external database.)
If a record for a vendor or business unit could not be found in the data set, it should be created manually.
Should any vendor details (such as the address of a vendor) change, the vendor's record in the data set should be modified accordingly.
Note: If the program fails to detect vendor and business unit fields using your data sets, it will use neural networks for field detection, unless neural networks are disabled in the program settings. For more details, see Detecting the main fields.
How to add a new record to the local copy of the database
How to edit an existing record in the local copy of the database
6/18/2023 5:47:23 PM