Captured fields

The Commercial Invoice Document Definition includes the following preconfigured fields.

Field Description

Consignee (BU*) field group:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Consignee ID
  • Postal Code
  • Street
  • City
  • State or Province
  • Country
  • Tax ID

The recipient of the goods.

You can use a database of business units. To do this, associate your database of business units with the data set named “BusinessUnits”

When no database is used, only the following fields will be captured:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Tax ID

Vendor (Issuer**) field group:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Vendor ID
  • Postal Code
  • Street
  • City
  • State or Province
  • Country
  • IBAN
  • Bank Code
  • Bank Account
  • Tax ID
  • National Tax ID

The seller of the goods.

You can use a database of vendors. To do this, associate your database of vendors with the data set named “Variants”

When no database is used, only the following fields will be captured:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Tax ID

ShipTo (group of fields)

  • Name
  • Address
The delivery address.

BillTo (group of fields)

  • Name
  • Address
The address to which to send an invoice.
Invoice Number The invoice number.
Invoice Date The date the invoice was issued on.
Due Date The due date of the invoice.
Country of Origin The country of origin of the goods.
Country of Export The country of export of the goods.
Country of Destination The country of destination of the goods.
INCO Term (INCO Variants)

International Commercial Terms rules:

  • EXW: EX Works
  • FCA: Free Carrier
  • FAS: Free Alongside Ship
  • FOB: Free On Board
  • CFR: Cost And Freight (sometimes also specified as: CNF)
  • CIF: Cost Insurance Freight
  • DAP: Delivered At Place (sometimes also specified as: DTU)
  • DPU: Delivered at Place Unloaded
  • CPT: Carriage Paid To
  • CIP: Carriage Insurance Paid
  • DDP: Delivered Duty Paid
  • DDU: Delivered Duty Unpaid
  • DAT: Delivered at Terminal
Mode of Transportation The mode of transport (land, air, water).
Waybill Number The number of the waybill containing information about the shipping and delivery of the goods.
BoL Number The number of the bill of lading serving as proof of ownership of the goods.
Packing List Number The packing list number for the shipment of the goods.
Weight The total weight of the goods.
Weight UoM The weight unit of measurement (kilograms, pounds, etc.).
Total Packages The total number of packages in the shipment.
UoM The unit used for counting, weighing, etc. the goods.
Total The total cost of all goods and services invoiced.
Currency The currency for the specified amounts charged for goods or services.
Volume*** The total volume of the goods.
Volume UoM*** The volume unit of measurement (liters, cubic meters, etc.).
Delivery Date*** The date when the goods should be delivered.
HS Code*** Harmonized System (HS) Codes classification.

Additional Costs field group:

  • Type
  • Amount
  • Currency
The type, amount, and currency of specified additional costs.

Purchase Order*** repeating field group:

  • Purchase Order Number
  • Total
The specified purchase order number and the total amount charged.
LineItems repeating field group Position The invoice line item position.
Country of Origin The country of origin for the invoice line item.
HS Code Harmonized System (HS) Codes classification.
Description A description of the goods.
Quantity The quantity of the invoice line item.
UoM The unit used for counting, weighing, etc. the goods.
Unit Price The price charged for a unit of line item goods.
Total (=Total price) The total price charged for all invoice line items (including additional charges and discounts).
NetWeight The total net weight (the weight of the line items without packaging).
NetWeightUoM The net weight unit of measurement.
Currency The currency used in the line items.

* — BU (Business Unit) is the internal name of the company acting as the consignee for the goods. The Consignee field group is checked against columns in the Business Units data set.

** — Issuer is the internal name of the company acting as the vendor for the goods. The Vendor group of fields is checked against columns in the Variants data set.

*** — These fields are not enabled by default. To enable them, do the following:

  1. Select the appropriate field from the Fields list.  
  2. In the context menu, select Properties....
  3. In the dialog box that will open, navigate to the General tab and select the following options: Export field value, Show on verification.

You can also add your own custom fields to the Document Definition. Before the program can capture data from a custom field, you must train the program to capture this field or create a separate FlexiLayout for this field (see Custom fields for details).

6/18/2023 5:47:23 PM

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