Known issues

Upload from an ODBC data source fails in Timeline 5.3.0

If you are using the Timeline 5.3.0 version and upload from an ODBC data source fails, please download the patch-file to resolve this issue. For details and instructions see Patch installation.
This issue is fixed in later versions.

Timeline Application not accessible outside the installed machine under Red Hat Enterprise Linux

This issue only occurs on host machines running Red Hat Enterprise Linux as its installation uses docker network and includes the OS built-in firewall.

It can be identified when the application is not reachable from outside the network/machine, but is reachable from inside and the following command returns an HTML response:
curl localhost

In this case, please recreate the Docker network:

  1. Stop the Timeline service, to make sure it does not try to use Docker:
    service timeline stop
  2. Remove all containers using the command below, when asked for confirmation accept, select yes:
    docker container prune
  3. List Docker networks:
    docker network ls
    1. Inspect the Docker network to get its gateway ip:
      docker network inspect timeline_network
  4. Delete the network related to Timeline. Use the id of timeline_network:
    docker network rm timeline_network
  5. Make sure the timeline_network got deleted using command from step 3:
    docker network ls
  6. Stop the Docker service:
    service docker stop
  7. Stop the PostgreSQL service:
    service postgresql-12 stop
    Note. Perform this step if you are using a local database. Skip it if you are using a remote database.
  8. Temporarily delete all firewall rules using this command:
    iptables --flush
  9. Restart the firewall:
    service firewalld stop
    service firewalld start
  10. Start the Docker service:
    service docker start
  11. Once the Docker service is started, create a new Docker network:
    docker network create timeline_network
  12. Flush the IP tables one more time after restart:
    iptables --flush
  13. Inspect the network via Docker, the IP address of the gateway might change:
    network inspect timeline_network
  14. Copy the gateway IP address from the network and make sure that you have consistent values in the opt/timeline/.env file:
    Check the values of the following variables and change them if needed:
  15. Perform the following steps if you are using a local database. Skip these steps if you are using a remote database.
    1. Copy the gateway IP address from the network and make sure that you have consistent values in the following files:
      1. pg_hba.conf
        Add an entry at the end to allow the connection:
        host all all $DOCKER_GATEWAY_IP md5
        Also add the IP mask. E.g.:
        host all all md5
        Default path for PostgreSQL 12 conf files: /var/lib/pgsql/12/data/
      2. postgresql.conf
        Change the listen address with the value of the new DOCKER_GATEWAY_IP.
        Default path for PostgreSQL 12 conf files: /var/lib/pgsql/12/data/
    2. Restart the PostgreSQL service:
      service postgresql-12 start
      1. If you didn’t stop your local PostgreSQL database service earlier, restart the service for it to use the new configuration files:
        service postgresql-12 stop
        service postgresql-12 start
  16. Make sure that Docker service is running:
    service docker status
  17. Start the Timeline service:
    service timeline start
  18. Make sure that all the containers are up and running (it can take some time):
    docker container ls -a
  19. Check that the Timeline application is available. The following command should return an HTML response:
    curl localhost
  20. Make sure that the Timeline application is available outside, by opening the application on the DNS/hostname of the machine.

22.09.2023 8:59:47

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