Performing Health Check

Check that Timeline is working properly by doing the following:

  1. Make sure all docker containers are running on the host machine by using:
    sudo docker ps -a
    Note. You can ignore the status of timeline_migrate_1 container which is used only to migrate databases and is not running after Timeline start.
  2. Open a browser and enter {timelineURL}:{port} in the address bar, where:
    {timelineUrl} is the Base URL you specified during the Timeline installation or the public IP address or the full name of the computer on which Timeline is installed.
    {port} is the custom port assigned to the Timeline website during the installation process.
    If you are using the default port (80 or 443), you do not need to add them to the {timelineURL}. By default, TCP/IP port 80 or 443 is used.

    Example: http://mytimeline:8080 or https://mytimeline:30443
  3. If the installation was carried out correctly, the Timeline website will open.
  4. Login using the Timeline admin credentials you specified during the installation process.

9/22/2023 8:59:47 AM

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