ParagraphStyle element

The paragraphStyle element describes the formatting style for a single paragraph. Includes a fontStyle element. Has the following attributes:

Property Data type Description
id * string The identifier of the paragraph in a document.
name * string The name of the paragraph style.
mainFontStyleId * string The main font style of the paragraph.
role * string

The function of the paragraph in the document.

Possible values:

  • text,
  • tableText,
  • heading,
  • tableHeading,
  • pictureCaption,
  • tableCaption,
  • contents,
  • footNote,
  • endNote,
  • rt,
  • garb,
  • other,
  • barcode,
  • headingNumber.
roleLevel integer The role level. The default value is -1, which means that the level is not available for this role.
align * string

The paragraph alignment.

Possible values:

  • Left,
  • Center,
  • Right,
  • Justified,
  • CjkJustified,
  • ThaiJustified.
before integer The space before a paragraph of this style. The default value is 0.
after integer The space after a paragraph of this style. The default value is 0.
startIndent integer The indent of the first line of the paragraph.
leftIndent integer The left indent of the whole paragraph.
rightIndent integer The right indent of the whole paragraph.
lineSpacing integer The line spacing.
lineSpacingRatio integer The line spacing (proportional to the letter height).
fixedLineSpacing boolean The attribute that indicates whether the line spacing varies or not.

FontStyle element

The fontStyle element describes the font style. Has the following attributes:

Property Data type Description
id * string The identifier of the font style.
italic boolean Indicates that a font style is italic.
bold boolean Indicates that a font style is bold.
underline boolean Indicates that a font style is underlined.
strikeout boolean Indicates that a font style is strikeout.
smallcaps boolean Indicates that a font is small caps.
scaling integer The scaling of the font. The default value is 1000.
spacing boolean The character spacing. The default value is 0.
color boolean The font color. The default value is 0.
backgroundColor boolean The background color. The default value is 0.
ff * string The name of the font.
fs * float The size of the font.

* Indicates a required property.

12/22/2023 12:36:42 PM

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