Lines array elements

Elements of the lines array are objects describing strings making up a text block or table cell. Elements in this array are ordered identically to the way they are read.

Property Data type Description
position rect The coordinates of the rectangular region on the document where the text string is located.
confidence confidence The level of confidence for the text in the string being recognized correctly. Calculated using confidence values for words that make up the string.
text string The string value of the element.
charParams object The parameters related to font formatting.
words object array An array consisting of words that make up the text string. Elements are ordered identically to the way they are read.

CharParams elements

Elements of the charParams is an object describing formatting of characters. These elements are applied to the object to which they relate (single character or a group of characters).

Property Data type Description
bold boolean Indicates that a font style is bold.
italic boolean Indicates that a font style is italic.
underlined boolean Indicates that a font style is underlined.
strikeout boolean Indicates that a font style is strikeout.
smallCaps boolean Indicates that a font is small caps.
superscript boolean Indicates the superscript font property.
subscript boolean Indicates the subscript font property.
scaling integer The scaling of the font (the default value is 1000).
spacing integer The character spacing in twips (1/20 pt, 1/1440 inch).
fontSize integer The font size property state in twips (1/20 pt, 1/1440 inch).
fontName string The font name.
color string The font color (hexadecimal value in 6-digit format RRGGBB).
lang string The language of the characters. Consists of language and country parts, please refer to ISO 639 and ISO 3166.

Words array elements

Elements of the words array are objects describing words that make up a text string.

Property Data type Description
position rect The coordinates of the rectangular region on the document where the word is located.
confidence confidence The level of confidence for the word being recognized correctly. Calculated using confidence values for characters making up the word.
text string The string value of the word.
chars object array An array of characters that make up the word. Elements in the array are ordered the same way they are read.

Chars array elements

Elements of the chars array are objects that describe characters that make up a word. A character is the smallest unit of text information.

Property Data type Description
confidence confidence The level of confidence for the character being recognized correctly.
text string The string value of the character.
position rect The coordinates of the rectangular region on the document where the character is located.

12/22/2023 12:36:42 PM

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